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Address: Wien
Tel: +43 1 / 204 46
Address: Bremen
Tel: 0421-14466
Address: Wien
Tel: 43 (0)1 515 17 0
Address: Innsbruck
Tel: (0512) 57 14 68

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Our dynamic restaurant portal provides a link between diners and restaurants to share basic information and appreciate the best in food and culture.
For diners who like to cook, we feature restaurant recipes and well known wines. The aim is to help diners find restaurant while traveling or just in the own area.

The team contacts restaurants and vineyards to qualify and judge restaurants and vineyards by a comprehensive international standard.
The infinite resources of the internet our team provides comprehensive coverage of every restaurant and vineyard... Our website lets you examine every major and most "out-of-the-way" restaurant and vineyard.

Recipes : Most of our members like to cook as well as eat out. We post recipes of the most well known dishes of the restaurant every dish include its title, why people like it, ingredient list and cooking steps. A recipe example, sweet Chilli Prawns, shows how to put together a recipe.

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