Recommended Austria Restaurants
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Restaurant in Austria Restaurant in Austria Restaurant in Austria Restaurant in Austria
Address: Wien
Tel: +43 1 / 204 46
Address: Wien
Tel: 43 (0)1 515 17 0
Address: Innsbruck
Tel: (0512) 57 14 68
Address: Wien
Tel: 43 1 877 34 13 0

Restaurants in Austria


Taco Mexican Restaurant
Tel: +43 1 27 17 979   Address: Shopping-City Nord Top 112   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Taiwan-Restaurant Fam Chou
Tel:    Address: Josef-Heißl-Straße 12   Town: Leoben   Restaurant in Austria

TAKE Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Naschmarkt Std 975   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Take Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Hauptstraße 4   Town: Leobersdorf   Restaurant in Austria

TAKEYA - Japanisches Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Rheinstraße 89   Town: Fußach   Restaurant in Austria

Tankova Julia Cafe-Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Kaiserstraße 80   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Tartuffel Restaurant GmbH
Tel:    Address: Simon-Redtenbacher-Platz 3   Town: Kirchdorf an der Krems   Restaurant in Austria

Tenmaya Japanisches Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Annagasse 3a   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Tetuna Cafe-Restaurant
Tel: +43 1 80 37 752   Address: Sagedergasse 8   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Tex-Mex Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Stadtplatz 40-42   Town: Steyr   Restaurant in Austria

Thai Asien-Haus
Tel:    Address: Schubertplatz 2   Town: Feldkirch   Restaurant in Austria

Thai Restaurant - Zustelldienst
Tel:    Address: Waßhubergasse 11   Town: Wiener Neustadt   Restaurant in Austria

Tibet Kultur Restaurant Songtsen Gampo
Tel:    Address: Währinger Gürtel 102   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Tiefenbachgletscher SB- Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Tiefenbach    Town: Sölden   Restaurant in Austria

Tigris Orientalisch- & Mediterranes Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Linzer Straße 414a   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Tiroler Landgasthof Ropferstub 'm
Tel:    Address: Buchen 8   Town: Telfs   Restaurant in Austria

Tokyo Running Sushi Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Döblinger Hauptstraße 50   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Tom's Restaurant im Hotel Stadt Melk
Tel:    Address: Hauptplatz 1   Town: Melk   Restaurant in Austria

toni Fritzenwallner Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Dorfplatz 6   Town: Köstendorf bei Salzburg   Restaurant in Austria

Top Ten Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Jedlersdorfer Straße 94   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Topkapi Sarayi Restaurant Inh Turgut Arikan
Tel:    Address: Lederergasse 17A   Town: Villach   Restaurant in Austria

Traunerhof Hotel-Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Schloßstraße 28   Town: Traun   Restaurant in Austria

TriBeCa Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Maria-Theresien-Straße 10   Town: Innsbruck   Restaurant in Austria

Trimelli Restaurant - Hamzo Joseph
Tel:    Address: Landstraßer Hauptstraße 31   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Triolaa Cafe - Bar - Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Bognergasse 4   Town: Wien   Restaurant in Austria

Tropic Bar-Restaurant
Tel:    Address: Atterseestraße 55   Town: Lenzing   Restaurant in Austria

Turmfalke Restaurant Pension Hotel
Tel:    Address: Turmstraße 3   Town: Linz   Restaurant in Austria

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Selected Restaurant

Restaurant in Collyweston, United Kingdom


Restaurant in Collyweston, United Kingdom

The Collyweston Slater is a traditional coaching inn built in the 17th century and set in the heart of the village of Collyweston in Northamptonshire. In the early 1970’s , after changing hands, it was enlarged to incorporate the adjoining terraced houses. At this point, having been called The Slater’s Arms, it was renamed ‘The Cavalier’. The restaurant area became known as ‘ Slaters’.

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Selected Vineyard

Vineyard in Argentina

Fincas Rewen

Vineyard in Argentina

Fincas Rewen, from the Mapuche Rehuen (sacred place), was founded in the late 1990�s in one of the most popular areas of excellence for vineyards, in the province of San Juan, Argentina. The chosen area that was once bordering the Huanacache lagoons, which are still today very rich in their quality of soil, are situated south of the province, 15 Km away from the famous Route 40 of Argentina. MORE:

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Recommended Wines

Wines from France


Wines from France

Le Marc de Paille peut s'enorgueillir d'être le digne héritier du "Nectar de patience", plus connu sous le nom de Vin de Paille. Issu des plus belles grappes, le Marc de Paille demande une attention toute particulière
Browse by Wine Type / Grape

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O preparo dos mais diversos pratos da culinária brasileira está ligado aos aspectos socioculturais de nossa história e recebeu a influência de outros povos que aqui estiveram em épocas passadas e nos Legaram em patrimônio cultural valioso, influenciando e dominando até mesmo na alimentação. A variedade de sabores e preferências regionais, com suas especiarias e temperos próprios, tornam-se irresistíveis ao paladar mais exigente de qualquer arte da cozinha nacional. Os índios brasileiros tinham uma mesa farta e variada, graças à abundância da caça, pesca e dos frutos silvestres, de que se serviam. A farinha de mandioca tão popular entre o povo, do mais simples ao mais requentado, é uma herança indígena. Depois de retirar a raiz, secavam-na ao sol ou ralavam-na ainda fresca numa prancha de madeira cravejada de pedrinhas pontiagudas, transformando-a em farinha alva, empapada que colocavam para escorrer e secar num recipiente comprido de palha trançada. O resultado é o tupuci, ingrediente essencial no preparo de um famoso prato da cozinha brasileira: o pato no tupuci. Além de ser usado como farofa ou para fazer beijus, pirões, sopas e mingaus, o tupuci pode ser servido como sobremesa, regado com mel. As bebidas eram extraídas dos ananás, do caju, guaraná, jenipapo, acaiá e outros produtos nativos. O milho muito usado pelos índios foi amplamente aceito pelos portugueses, de paladar mais refinado, que preferiam a comida preparada pelas escravas negras do que as da mão indígena. As negras eram mais experientes eram mais caprichosas na arte de comer bem e assim, introduziram o coco-da-baia, o azeite de dendê, a pimenta malagueta, o feijão preto, o quiabo e outros ingredientes para a elaboração de pratos mais requintados. A união das três raças criou uma cozinha tipicamente brasileira, desenvolvendo o uso constante da panela de barro, da colher de pau e do fogão de lenha, indispensáveis para aprimorar qualquer quietude.     More...
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Recipe Of The Day

Moist Irish Wheaten Bread

Moist Irish Wheaten Bread

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