See & Park Hotel Feldbach Restaurant in Steckborn, Switzerland Perle du Lac Restaurant Restaurant in Genève, Switzerland Restaurant Alexander Restaurant in Luzern, Switzerland Ristorante Santabbondio   Restaurant in Sorengo-Lugano, Switzerland

Restaurants in Switzerland


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Aarfähre Käpten Jo's
Romantik, Abenteuerlust und die grosse Liebe zum Meer verführten den ehemaligen Seemann "Käpten Jo" dazu,
seine Aarfähre zu bauen, einen auf Trocken-Dock l...

Restaurant in Biberstein - Switzerland - Tel: 0041628272828 not@

Abri des Marches Tel: 0041269211533   Address: route des Marches 16   Town: Broc   Restaurant in Switzerland

Adler Tel: 0041313111725   Address: Gerechtigkeitsgasse 7   Town: Bern   Restaurant in Switzerland

Adler Bürgler Marlies u. Arnold Annemarie Tel: 0041418701133   Address: Klausenstrasse 137   Town: Bürglen UR   Restaurant in Switzerland

Adler Zehnder Felix Tel: 0041562251015   Address: Badenerstrasse 8   Town: Birmenstorf   Restaurant in Switzerland

Aeschenplatz Berchtold Beatrix Tel: 0041612713855   Address: Aeschenplatz 4   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Al Colosseo Tel: 0041612815101   Address: Binningerstrasse 9   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Aladin Tel: 0041612615731   Address: Barfüsserplatz 17   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Alfa Bal Hüseyin Tel: 0041613156262   Address: Hauptstrasse 15   Town: Birsfelden   Restaurant in Switzerland

All'Arco Hotel Campione Tel: 0041916401616   Address: via Campione 62   Town: Bissone   Restaurant in Switzerland

Alpenblick Bristen-Maderanertal Peter Frei (Bomatter) Tel: 0041418831240   Address: Dorf    Town: Bristen   Restaurant in Switzerland

Alte Post Theus Bruno u. Erna (-Wellinger) Tel: 0041816411218   Address: Versamerstrasse 1   Town: Bonaduz   Restaurant in Switzerland

Auberge du Signal Blanc Marcel Tel: 0041217280768   Address: route du Signal 31   Town: Belmont-sur-Lausanne   Restaurant in Switzerland

Bäckerei Hotz Rust AG Tel: 0041417603131   Address: Schutzengelstrasse 18   Town: Baar   Restaurant in Switzerland

Backstage Banqueting Sagl Tel: 0041916828006   Address: via delle Fornaci 8c   Town: Balerna   Restaurant in Switzerland

Bad Bubendorf Tel: 0041619355555   Address: Kantonsstrasse 3   Town: Bubendorf   Restaurant in Switzerland

Bajazzo Tel: 0041616908080   Address: Clarastrasse 43   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Bären Tel: 0041817561166   Address: Bahnhofstrasse 15   Town: Buchs   Restaurant in Switzerland

Basilisk Tel: 0041616811810   Address: Klingentalstrasse 1   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Berchtold Catering AG Tel: 0041613751111   Address: Sankt Jakobs-Strasse 395   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Berggasthaus Biel Max und Claudia Gisler (-Mittler) Tel: 0041418702544   Address:    Town: Bürglen UR   Restaurant in Switzerland

Berghaus Gumen Tel: 0041556431324   Address:    Town: Braunwald   Restaurant in Switzerland

Best-Pizza Tel: 0041613869292   Address: Missionsstrasse 68   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Birseckerhof Tel: 0041612815010   Address: Binningerstrasse 15   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Bodega Espana Edi Keck-Schlienger Tel: 0041612611124   Address: Heuberg 4   Town: Basel   Restaurant in Switzerland

Café Carina P. und S. Stutz (-Schollenberger) Tel: 0041564449475   Address: Nidermattstrasse 8   Town: Birr   Restaurant in Switzerland

Centre de Tennis Bulle Tel: 0041269139740   Address: rue du Stade 50   Town: Bulle   Restaurant in Switzerland

Centre Espagnol Tel: 0041217013698   Address: chemin de la Chocolatière 1   Town: Bussigny-près-Lausanne   Restaurant in Switzerland

Chalet de Grange-Neuve Famille Perriard Raymond Tel: 0041244591181   Address:    Town: Baulmes   Restaurant in Switzerland

Chanaan aux Trois Trèfles Tel: 0041269127278   Address: rue de Vevey 89   Town: Bulle   Restaurant in Switzerland

Cherry Bowl Tel: 0041417605555   Address: Sihlbruggstrasse 105   Town: Baar   Restaurant in Switzerland

City Tel: 0041418251010   Address: Gersauerstrasse 21   Town: Brunnen   Restaurant in Switzerland

City-Bar Brasserie Natis SA Monteserin Arturo Tel: 0041323223337   Address: rue des Marchandises 2   Town: Biel/Bienne   Restaurant in Switzerland

Da Gino Tel: 0041217014848   Address: chemin de Cudrex 15   Town: Bussigny-près-Lausanne   Restaurant in Switzerland

de l'Eperon Fam. Frutiger Tel: 0041324666169   Address: route de Buix 76g   Town: Bure   Restaurant in Switzerland

de la Couronne fam. Nappez Jean-Luc Tel: 0041329611236   Address: rue Guillaume-Triponez 17   Town: Bois, Les   Restaurant in Switzerland

de la Gare Mathez Agnès et René Tel: 0041219475004   Address: route de Châtel-St-Denis 1   Town: Bossonnens   Restaurant in Switzerland

Domino GmbH Tel: 0041617812633   Address: Breitenbachstrasse 14   Town: Brislach   Restaurant in Switzerland

Gemeindehaus Beringen Gastro GmbH von Euw Albin und Christof Tel: 0041526851091   Address: Oberdorf 12   Town: Beringen   Restaurant in Switzerland

Hotel & Restaurant Alte Rheinmühle Tel: 0041526252550   Address: Junkerstrasse 93   Town: Büsingen   Restaurant in Switzerland

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Ciel Bleu Restaurant
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