alimentos y bebidas » Mexico » Mexico City » 09-01-2011Event Language : Spanish Event Date : 09-01-2011 A esta exposición asisten productores de café en grano, verde y tostado, molinos de café, maquinarias para café, empresas comercializadoras de café, máquinas vending, franquicias, empresas que producen accesorio para su preparación, reposteros, promotores y mobiliario para cafeterías y restaurantes. Por otro lado para los amantes del buen café habrá talleres, cataciones, cursos y conferencias. Event Details : Event Name : Expo Cafe Event Category : alimentos y bebidas Event Date : 09-01-2011 Country : Mexico Region : México Town : Mexico City
Selected RestaurantEDGE RESTAURANT AT CAGAYAN HOLIDAY LEISURE AND RESORT Restaurant in Sta Ana, Philippines EDGE RESTAURANT AT CAGAYAN HOLIDAY LEISURE AND RESORT Decorated with contemporary and Southeast Asia style, edge provides a finest venue for gues... More... List your Restaurant for FREE... Recommended WinesStatehouse Wines from United States Our award winning wines are always on display, and a visit to our shop is a great opportunity to take a few minutes to relax and taste some of our wines. More... More Wines... List your Vineyard for FREE... Food ProductsFruits of Life, Inc. Lipa Buko Juice is made of pure coconut water, a natural isotonic beverage that is rich in potassium and magnesium, and contains a considerable amount of vitami... More... More Products... List your Food Product for FREE... Recipe Of The Daycrostini (small toasted bread) More Recipes... List your Recipe for FREE... |