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Restaurant in Kiel, Germany

Restaurant TanTamar
Restaurant in Kiel, Germany
“Auch eine Reise von tausend Meilen,
fängt mit dem ersten Schritt an”
So haben wir ihn gewagt - und unser Traum, in Kiel eine kleine eigene Welt zu err...

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Famous French Champagne    

Selected Vineyard

Vineyard in Italy

Az. Agr. Rubini Pietro & Figli
Vineyard in Italy
Già dal 1500 si hanno notizie della tenuta di Praducello, piccolo centro agricolo con un villino, riserva di caccia della famiglia Boiani. Passò poi alla famigl...
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Wines from Chile

Merlot Max Reserva 2008
Wines from Chile
Merlot Max Reserva 2008 NotasRecetasViñedo Las uvas para nuestro Max Reserva Merlot 2008 provienen de nuestros viñedos Max I y Max IV en el Valle de Aconcagua...
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tarde de Domingo "Woody"
Event Date: 03.03.13
Disfruta de nuestros domingos en nuestro restaurante,con música de salón en directo gracias al grupo Woody`s.
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All strengths of Nature. Cedar greenery based syrups help to save your health
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Pain de poisson au micro ondes
Pain de poisson au micro ondes
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