It is more than 200 names of goods carefully produced for our appreciated buyers.
DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov
Category - Milk Products
Milk Products » Russia »  Dmitrov

Food Product Language : English

Product Types : cheese, curd, sour cream, natural yogurt

Public corporation “Dmitrovskiy molochniy zavod” was founded in February 1929 as a milk collecting center where milk was preprocessed and shipped in Moscow. With the development of Dmitrov a necessity to supply populace with dairy products of wider assortment appeared. Technological equipping of plant made it possible to start the output of dairy products: pasteurized milk, sour cream and curds.
Widening of range and quality improvement of our products was held uninterruptedly by specialists of the company.

In 2000 two workshops of glazed cheese and curds mass production were put into operation. 77 types of glazed cheese and curds mass were offered to buyers by Dmitrov Dairy Plant. It is a significant number even nowadays.

In 2009 we celebrated the 80th anniversary of our enterprise. We sum up and analyze our achievements, and we plan our future. What is Dmitrov Dairy Plant today? It is a group of enterprises of complete production cycle with 80-year tradition of dairy production. It is the group which is capable to product high-quality goods independently on its plants and to deliver these goods to ultimate customer by its own vehicles. It is more than 200 names of goods carefully produced for our appreciated buyers. It’s a team of highly skilled technologists with 25 years working experience on the plant. Deep belief in our enterprise and devotion to our work help us to produce healthy and qualified goods which are approved by tens of millions customers.

The secret of our success is simple. We do our job excellently and every morning, every day and every night we think about our customers. Our good fortune is only the result of our persistence. We did it in 1929, we do it now.

Milk, cheese, curd, glazed cheese, bio and natural yougurt

Food Producer Details
Country : Russia
Region : Moscow
Town : Dmitrov
Category : Milk Products

Food Product Submitted By
Name : Svetlana Vorobei
Town : Aughrim
Region : whole Russian Federation
Country : Ireland
Tel : 00353 (0) 833196419 or 00353 (0) 40294868
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DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov
DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov
DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov
DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov
DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov
DMITROVSKY MOLOCHNY ZAVOD Food Product Category: Milk Products - Country: Russia - Town:  Dmitrov

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