Ristorante Buca Mario Restaurant in Firenze, Italy Il Latini Ristorante Restaurant in Firenze, Italy CRACCO RISTORANTE Restaurant in Milano, Italy Ristorante Pappagallo Restaurant in Bologna, Italy

Restaurants in Italy


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Il Latini Ristorante
Autour de tables de « il Latini » les amitiés se mêlent, on parle les langues du monde, en discutant avec animation et en appréciant une cuisine du goût antique...

Restaurant in Firenze - Italy - Tel: +39 055 210916

https://www.illatini.com info@illatini.com
Ristorante Buca Mario
Ristorante Buca Mario a Firenze
La cucina tradizionale fiorentina nel cuore del centro storico.

Restaurant in Firenze - Italy - Tel: +39 055 214179

https://www.bucamario.it bucamario@bucamario.it
Ristorante Giggetto al Portico d'Ottavia
Un restaurant attentif à la qualité dans le respect des traditions et des saveurs d'autrefois. Aller chez Giggetto est comme découvrir, en oubliant le temps, l'...

Restaurant in Rome - Italy - Tel: +39 06 6861105

https://www.giggetto.it info@giggetto.it
Ristorante Alla Rampa
ALLA RAMPA restaurant satisfies even the most fastidious tastes for more than 40 years. It is situated in the centre of the Old Town of Rome, between the touris...

Restaurant in Roma - Italy - Tel: +39 066782621

The kitchen run by the chef Carlo Cracco offers an innovative cuisine combining the Milanese tradition with the now-days tastes for a always more simple and lig...

Restaurant in Milano - Italy - Tel: +39 02/876774

https://www.ristorantecracco.it info@ristorantecracco.it
Ristorante Savini
Il ristorante si trova al primo piano del Savini qui potrete degustare i piatti attentamente studiati dall’ executive chef Matteo Torretta che vi accompagnerà i...

Restaurant in Milano - Italy - Tel: +39 02 72 00 34 33

https://www.savinimilano.it prenotazioni@savinimilano.it
Ristorante Pappagallo
Il ristorante Pappagallo, nato nel 1919, si trova nel centro di Bologna a fianco delle 2 Torri Asinelli e Garisenda, in un famoso palazzo storico del 1300.

Restaurant in Bologna - Italy - Tel:

https://www.alpappagallo.it ristorante@alpappagallo.it
Grand Hotel Baglioni
From the Panoramic "Terrazza Brunelleschi" Restaurant you can catch all of Florence

Restaurant in Florence - Italy - Tel: +39.055.23580

https://www.hotelbaglioni.it/en/ info@hotelbaglioni.it
Lido Palace Hotel
The environment is elegant, there is a view of the sea, the climate-controlled veranda is very comfortable.

Restaurant in Genoa - Italy - Tel: +39.0185.285821

https://www.lidopalacehotel.com/en/reservations.htm info@lidopalacehotel.com
Trattoria ai Due Orsi
Ai due orsi: un ristorante da provare, per tornarci

Tradizione e qualità si incontrano nel confortevole ambiente della Trattoria "Ai due orsi", che da ...

Restaurant in Milano - Italy - Tel: +392510191

https://trattoria2orsi.it trattoria2orsi@libero.it
Pizzeria Regina Margherita
Ambiente familiare, tranquillo, cordiale.

Restaurant in Salerno - Italy - Tel: 3208427440

https://www.pizzeria-reginamargherita.com antonio_saviello@libero.it
Caffè restaurant Scannabue
Caffè restaurant Scannabue
La Tartara alla Piemontese è servita con il rosso d’uovo crudo e la senape, rigorosamente cucinata con la carne cruda di fassone ...

Restaurant in Torino - Italy - Tel: +39 011.6696693

https://www.scannabue.it mail@scannabue.it
Il Giardino Pamphili
If you are watching your figure we have got special dishes such as our “linguine” with red peppers, aubergine, courgette and little pieces of parmesan

Restaurant in Rome - Italy - Tel: 06 66012717/ 06 661004603

https:// info@ilgiardinopamphili.com
Leon d'Oro
The LEON D’ORO hotel is a real jewel of comfort and style, rich in authentic history.

Restaurant in Mirano Venezia - Italy - Tel: 39.041.432777

https://www.leondoro.it info@leondoro.it
''LA VECCHIA PIAZZA'' PIZZERIA RISTORANTE Tel: 0558076600   Address: V. ROMA 58   Town: TAVARNELLE VAL DI PESA   Restaurant in Italy

A MODO MIO DI TORZONI RITA Tel: 0575368607   Address: LOC. INDICATORE 9/E   Town: AREZZO   Restaurant in Italy

'CRISERI' DI BENZI CRISTIANA & C SNC Tel: 054720464   Address: V. ANGELI 43   Town: CESENA   Restaurant in Italy

MASSARO RICCARDO Tel: 0883542281   Address: V. VITTORE PISANI 17   Town: ANDRIA   Restaurant in Italy

DE BELLIS FRANCESCA Tel: 0805618939   Address: VL. CONCILIO VATICANO II 61   Town: BARI   Restaurant in Italy

TSUNAMI SRL Tel: 035233425   Address: VIA DELLO STATUTO 19/A   Town: BERGAMO   Restaurant in Italy

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