Il Latini Ristorante Restaurant in Firenze, Italy Ristorante Buca Mario Restaurant in Firenze, Italy Ristorante Giggetto al Portico d'Ottavia Restaurant in Rome, Italy Ristorante Alla Rampa Restaurant in Roma, Italy

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Caffè restaurant Scannabue
Caffè restaurant Scannabue
La Tartara alla Piemontese è servita con il rosso d’uovo crudo e la senape, rigorosamente cucinata con la carne cruda di fassone ...

Restaurant in Torino - Italy - Tel: +39 011.6696693
''LA VECCHIA PIAZZA'' PIZZERIA RISTORANTE Tel: 0558076600   Address: V. ROMA 58   Town: TAVARNELLE VAL DI PESA   Restaurant in Italy

3C SRL (CATERING) Tel: 0461829697   Address: V. BRESCIA 76   Town: TRENTO   Restaurant in Italy

A.D.G. S.R.L. Tel: 0997795922   Address: CONTR. CIMINO RINASCENTE   Town: TARANTO   Restaurant in Italy

ACQUA BLU SRL Tel: 0461917260   Address: V. HERRSCHING 7   Town: TRENTO   Restaurant in Italy

ADIP S.N.C. DI DEDJA A. E PEPAJ I. Tel: 0422405575   Address: VIA SANT`ANTONINO 53   Town: TREVISO   Restaurant in Italy

AEMME SRL Tel: 0818471170   Address: V. PAGLIARONE 42   Town: TORRE DEL GRECO   Restaurant in Italy

AGOCCIONI FABIO Tel: 0422348116   Address: VIA SANT`ANTONINO 145   Town: TREVISO   Restaurant in Italy

AI LUMI S.R.L. UNIPERSONALE Tel: 0923872418   Address: C. VITTORIO EMANUELE 75   Town: TRAPANI   Restaurant in Italy

AL BRIGANTINO DI MONICA PROSPERI & C SAS Tel: 040212067   Address: V. DI PROSECCO 44   Town: TRIESTE   Restaurant in Italy

AL BRITANNIA S.R.L. Tel: 040830708   Address: V. DI SERVOLA 100   Town: TRIESTE   Restaurant in Italy

ALBA TRAMEZZINI SRL Tel: 0997717309   Address: V. PER LEPORANO - TALSANO II TRAV.12   Town: TARANTO   Restaurant in Italy

ALBERGO AL FOGHER Tel: 0422432950   Address: VL. DELLA REPUBBLICA 10   Town: TREVISO   Restaurant in Italy

ALECI MICHELE Tel: 0923547176   Address: V. DUCA D'AOSTA 13   Town: TRAPANI   Restaurant in Italy

ALL DAYS S.R.L. Tel: 0744812031   Address: V. A. BARTOCCI 5   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

ALL FOODS Tel: 0744800005   Address: V. DEL CONVENTO 59/A   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

ALL FOODS SRL Tel: 07445401   Address: PL. TRISTANO DI JOANNUCCIO 1   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

AMALAMA S.R.L. (RISTORANTE) Tel: 0997775445   Address: V. LAMA - LAMA 10   Town: TARANTO   Restaurant in Italy

ANTICA OSTARIA AL CAVALLINO Tel: 0422412801   Address: BG. CAVOUR 52   Town: TREVISO   Restaurant in Italy

ANTICHI SAPORI DI CURRO'PAOLO,PIETRO & C. SAS (PIZZERIA) Tel: 040568702   Address: V. GIULIA 27   Town: TRIESTE   Restaurant in Italy

ANTICHI SAPORI DI LORITO FRANCESCO & C. S.N.C. (RISTORANTE) Tel: 092322866   Address: C. VITTORIO EMANUELE 191   Town: TRAPANI   Restaurant in Italy

ANTICO BUFFET BENEDETTO Tel: 040366666   Address: V. XXX OTTOBRE 19   Town: TRIESTE   Restaurant in Italy

ANTIPASTOTECA DI MARE ALLA VOLIGA Tel: 040309606   Address: V. DELLA FORNACE 1   Town: TRIESTE   Restaurant in Italy

ANTONJA SNC DI MANUTO PASQUALE & C. Tel: 0461983121   Address: V. FRANCESCO PETRARCA 4   Town: TRENTO   Restaurant in Italy

ARALIKI SRL Tel: 0461981580   Address: VC. COLICO 4/6   Town: TRENTO   Restaurant in Italy

ARCO FORNITURE ALBERGHIERE S.R.L. Tel: 3357434284   Address:     Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

ARCOM S.R.L. Tel: 0422410003   Address: V. CACCIATORI DEL SILE 3   Town: TREVISO   Restaurant in Italy

AREA FOOD S.R.L. Tel: 0744244584   Address: STR.ST. E 45 KM.0.800   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

ARMAGNAC DI PADOVAN ELDA Tel: 040768954   Address: CAMPO S. GIACOMO 9/2   Town: TRIESTE   Restaurant in Italy

ART ARREDO S.R.L. Tel: 0744276188   Address: V. A. CESALPINO 1   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

ART ARREDO SRL Tel: 0744428889   Address: V. DEL LANIFICIO 6   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

ARTURO BERSELLI & C. (ALBERGHI RISTORANTI APPALTI) Tel: 0744800915   Address: STR. DELLE CAMPORE 32   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

ATLAS DI NAMOUSSI MUSTAPHA E CHAJIA MOHAMMED S.N.C Tel: 0461390057   Address: VL. OLMI 2/4   Town: TRENTO   Restaurant in Italy


AVENANCE ITALIA SPA Tel: 0461264476   Address: V. S. MARGHERITA 1   Town: TRENTO   Restaurant in Italy

BACOCCO GIACOMO Tel: 0744813998   Address: V. NARNI 33   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

BANDIERA GIALLA DI ELENA BOSICH & C. S.A.S. Tel: 04055065   Address: VL. RAFFAELLO SANZIO 42   Town: TRIESTE   Restaurant in Italy

BAR ATLANTIQUE Tel: 0994773079   Address: V. GIUSEPPE MAZZINI 234   Town: TARANTO   Restaurant in Italy

BAR DELL'INDUSTRIA SAS Tel: 0744800446   Address: V. MAESTRI DEL LAVORO 12/D   Town: TERNI   Restaurant in Italy

BAR RISTORANTE PANORAMA S.R.L. Tel: 092325551   Address: C. VITTORIO EMANUELE 140   Town: TRAPANI   Restaurant in Italy

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