Über mehr als 200 Jahre haben die Erzeugnisse des Hauses einen offenen, betont kosmopolitischen Geist zum Ausdruck gebracht, ohne jedoch die sehr enge Bindung an ihre Herkunft zu verlieren.
Vineyard in Andalucía - D.O. Jerez - D.O. Manzanilla - Jerez de la Frontera - Spain - Tel: +34 956 182212
Geographical Location
Viña Carta Vieja S.A. is located in the Valle de Loncomilla, a sub valley of Valle del Maule, located 280 kilometres to the south of Santiago, in Meridian 71.4° W and parallel 34.5° S. Valle de Loncomilla is a valley crossing from the Andes Mountains in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west.
Vineyard in Central Valley - Maule Valley - Javier - Chile - Tel: +56 2 2208900
Shelmerdine is proud to announce the official release of its 2007 Heathcote red wines including:
2007 Heathcote Shiraz (94/100 Halliday 2010 Wine Companion)
2007 Heathcote Cabernet Sauvignon (93/100 Halliday 2010 Wine Companion)
2007 'Merindoc' Single Vineyard Shiraz (95/100 Halliday 2010 Wine Companion)
Vineyard in Victoria - Victoria - Australia - Tel: +61 3 54335188
Our winery is at Kingston-on-Murray, around 220km from Adelaide in South Australia. We pride ourselves on being one of the largest family-owned wineries in Australia - as well as the 10th largest Australian wine producer, by volume.
Vineyard in South Australia - Kingston on Murray - Australia - Tel: +61 8 85830500
Vineyard in South Australia - Angaston - Australia - Tel: +61 88561 3200
Im ökologischen Weinbau sind nur geringe Mengen an Schwefelpräparaten und sonstige Pflanzenmittel zugelassen. Der Schwefelgehalt der Weine muss erheblich niedriger liegen als der vom Weingesetz erlaubte Grenzwert.
Der Wein reift hier noch auf "echten" Weinbergen, deren Bewirtschaftung nach wie vor sorgfältige Handarbeit erfordert. Unsere Weine sind Erzeugnisse der traditionellen Weinkultur.
Vineyard in Rhein - Bacharach-Steeg - Germany - Tel: +49 6743 9371915
Histoire de Bouscaut :
Le vignoble de Bouscaut existe depuis le XVIème siècle sur la commune de Cadaujac, dans l'appellation Pessac-Léognan anciennement Graves.
Vineyard in Bordeaux - Pessac-Léognan - 33140 Cadaujac - France - Tel: +33 (0)5 57 83 12 26
At Baltimore Bend Vineyard, our philosophy is the grapes make the wine.
Vineyard in Missouri - Missouri - Richwoods - United States - Tel: (660) 493-0258
The Barolo Nebbiolo grapes and Barbaresco Nebbiolo grapes are still fermented in medium-sized wooden vats. Ageing lasts three years and takes place in oak barrels hidden away in our cellars where the temperature is the same all year round.
Vineyard in Piedmont (Piemonte) - 12060 BAROLO - Italy - Tel: +39 0173 56127
Vineyard in Western Australia - Mount Barker - Australia - Tel: + 61 898513111
Natur pur - vom ersten Sonnenstrahl bis in den Boden . . .
Arbeiten mit der Natur: Dieser Grundsatz leitet uns seitdem wir hier in Fischingen....
Vineyard in Baden - 79592 Fischingen - Germany - Tel: +49(0)7628-9879
Unsere Philosophie: Der langen Tradition verpflichtet, legen wir größten Wert auf die erstklassige Qualität unserer Erzeugnisse. Um unseren hohen Ansprüchen genügen zu können, bieten wir unseren Kunden ausschließlich Weine und Sekte aus eigener Erzeugung an.
Vineyard in Mosel - 54317 Kasel im Ruwertal - Germany - Tel: +49(0)6 51 / 51 80
GARCIAREVALO, SL. , en la actualidad tiene una producción anual de 600.000 botellas repartida en los diferentes productos, comercializados todos ellos acogidos bajo la DO. Rueda.
Vineyard in Castilla y León - D.O. Rueda - Matapozuelos - Spain - Tel: +34 983 832914
The name Alta Cima (High Summit) reflects the peak of quality that the Oenologists continually attain with their wines which can be tasted on a special platform above the giant mixing vat. From this handpicked location the curvature of the roof of the winery...
Vineyard in Central Valley - Lontué - Chile - Tel: (+56 75) 47 10 34
The Papantonis vineyard consists of 20 acres planted in 1982 after extensive research. We chose the ideal fertile land located within the small village of Malandreni, in the high lands of the province of Argolis ...
Vineyard in Peloponnese - 212 00 Argos - Greece - Tel: +30 27510 23620
Probabilmente tra cento anni i nostri vini rappresenteranno ancora la vera espressione del nostro territorio, come lo sono oggi e come lo sono sempre stati.
Vineyard in Sicily - Chiaramonte - Italy - Tel: +39 0932 921654
Vinhos do Douro & Vinhos do Porto
A primeira referência escrita de que se tem conhecimento e ligada ao nome "Vinho do Porto", com referência ao Vinho do Douro exportado pela Alfândega do Porto, data dos finais do ano de 1678. Entre 1680 e 1715
Vineyard in Douro - Vila Nova de Gaia - Portugal - Tel: +35 1 223775100
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