Yalumba Vineyard in Angaston, Australia Soc. Agr. D.Diniz - Monte da Ravasqueira Vineyard in Arraiolos, Portugal Stamata winnery Vineyard in Stamata, Greece Gavalas Winery Vineyard in Santorini, Greece

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Soc. Agr. D.Diniz - Monte da Ravasqueira

Dotado de excelentes condições geológicas e climáticas para a produção do melhor vinho que o Alentejo pode oferecer, o Monte da Ravasqueira dispõe de uma área de vinha de cerca de 43,86 hectares e uma produção anual de 200 mil garrafas. Realizou a sua primeira vindima em 2001,

Vineyard in Alentejo - Arraiolos - Portugal - Tel: +35 1 266490200

ravasqueira@ravasqueira.com http://www.ravasqueira.com

Vineyard in South Australia - Angaston - Australia - Tel: +61 88561 3200

info@yalumba.com http://www.yalumba.com
Audrey et Christian Binner

Pourquoi la Vigne en Alsace ? Grâce à la Barrière des Vosges, le Vignoble d’Alsace bénéficie d’une des plus faible pluviosité de France, surtout dans la poche de Colmar, ville la moins arrosée de France (400 à 500 mm d’Eau par an) ..

Vineyard in Alsace - Ammerschwihr - France - Tel: +33 389 782320

info@alsace-binner.com http://www.alsace-binner.com
Can Majoral, S.A.T.

UNSERE WEINBERGE In zwei verschiedenen Bereichen des Regierungsbezirks von Algaida liegen unsere Weinberge, in der Region Pla, im Herzen von Mallorca.

Vineyard in Balearic islands - D.O. Pla i Llevant - Algaida - Spain - Tel: +34 971 665877

celler@canmajoral.com http://www.canmajoral.com
Caves Sao Joao

Aliando a história e a tradição familiar ao longo de gerações à modernidade dos processos produtivos e de gestão, as Caves São João tentam hoje superar todas as expectativas. Dedicando-se à produção, engarrafamento e comercialização de vinhos, espumantes e aguardentes, produtos reconhecidamente

Vineyard in Beiras - Avelãs de Caminho - Portugal - Tel: +35 1 234743118

cavessaojoao@mail.telepac.pt http://www.cavessaojoao.pt
Champagne Malard

La route des grands crus . . . Des Grands Crus et Premiers Crus pour la quête du meilleur. Le Champagne Malard se fournit en priorité, grâce à ses contrats d'approvisionnement...

Vineyard in Champagne - Ay - France - Tel: +33 3 26 87 97 97

info@champagnemalard.com http://www.champagnemalard.com
Château Béthanie Fruitière Vinicole d'Arbois

En 1906, alors que le vignoble jurassien se redresse à peine de la crise phylloxérique, les vins du midi lui assènent le coup de grâce par une concurrence impitoyable. Les vignerons arboisiens décident alors d'une historique grève de l'impôt et de la mise en commun de leurs outils de vinification : ils créent le 04 janvier une des premières coopérative vinicole de France.

Vineyard in Jura - Arbois - France - Tel: +33 384 661167

contact@chateau-bethanie.com http://www.chateau-bethanie.com
Weinbau Ralf Wagner

Heute bietet Ihnen unser Weinbaubetrieb, gewachsen auf fast 4 Hektar, eine typisch rheinhessische Sorten- & Geschmacksvielfalt an. Traditionelle Reben wie Silvaner, Müller-Thurgau oder Scheurebe finden neben Neuzüchtungen wie Ortega, Regent oder Dornfelder ihren Platz. Unsere Weinberge liegen in den Lagen Sonnenberg und Rotenfels in Heimersheim sowie Kapellenberg und Kirchenstück im Nachbardorf Weinheim sowie im entfernten Mauchenheim. . .

Vineyard in Rheinhessen - Bingen - Alzey-Heimersheim - Germany - Tel: +49 6731 41363

info@weinbau-wagner.de http://www.weinbau-wagner.de

Tel: +33 326 570787
Address: 12, rue Saint-Vincent
Region: Champagne
Town: Ambonnay
Vineyard in France
Abadía de Acón, S.L.

Tel: + 34 947509292
Address: Miranda do Douro 4
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Aranda de Duero
Vineyard in Spain
Abeica, S.L.

Tel: +34 941 308009
Address: Paraje El Calvario, s/n
Region: La Rioja
Sub Region: D.O. ca Rioja
Town: Abalos
Vineyard in Spain
Abingdon Vineyard & Winery

Tel: 276-623-1255
Address: 20530 Alvarado Rd
Region: Virginia
Sub Region: Virginia
Town: Abingdon
Vineyard in United States
Abrigueiros-Produções Agrícolas e Turismo,Lda

Tel: +35 1 258947315
Address: Jolda Madalena
Region: North Portugal
Town: Arcos de Valdevez
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Alan, S.A.T.

Tel: +34 988 311457
Address: San Roque, 36
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Valdeorras
Town: A Rúa
Vineyard in Spain
Adega Coop. de Amarante

Tel: +35 1 255420150
Address: Tapada dos Coelhos - Telões
Region: North Portugal
Town: Amarante
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa da Gouxa, C. R. L.

Tel: +35 243 599492
Address: Quinta da Gouxa
Region: Ribatejo
Town: Alpiarca
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Alcobaça, CRL.

Tel: +35 262598620
Address: Olival Fechado
Region: Estremadura
Town: Alcobaça
Vineyard in Portugal
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Kingston Estate Wines PTY LTD
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Our winery is at Kingston-on-Murray, around 220km from Adelaide in South Australia. We pride ourselves on being one of the largest family-owned wineries in Aust...
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