Bárdos és Fia Pincészet Bt Vineyard in Farkasmály, Hungary Andeluna Cellars Vineyard in  Mendoza, Argentina Vina Errazuriz S.A Vineyard in Curico, Chile Carta Vieja Vineyard in Javier, Chile

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Bárdos és Fia Pincészet Bt

The historic row of cellars in Farkasmály was a favourite destination of the burgers of Gyöngyös as early as 200 years ago where they would sit in the shade of plane trees planted when cellars were carved into andesite volcanic tuff and sip the wines made from the excellent grapes grown on the hillside of Sárhegy

Vineyard in Upper Hungary (Felso Magyarország) - Mátraalja - Farkasmály - Hungary - Tel:

bardos@bardosbor.hu http://www.bardosbor.hu

Le Domaine Berthaut est une exploitation viticole familiale depuis 6 générations. Ce sont actuellement Vincent et Denis Berthaut qui perpétuent les traditions et sont garants de la qualité réputée du Domaine

Vineyard in Burgundy (Bourgogne) - FIXIN - France - Tel: 03 80 52 45 48

denis.berthaut@wanadoo.fr http://www.domaine-berthaut.com
Domaine Bouvet

Le Domaine G&G Bouvet Situées sur des coteaux d’éboulis argilo-calcaires qui donnent aux ceps tout leur caractère, les différentes parcelles du Domaine sont plantées de cépages variés. Certains sont très anciens, nés en Savoie où la tradition viticole remonte à l’époque Romaine, et présents exclusivement dans ce petit bout du monde

Vineyard in Savoie - Fréterive - France - Tel: +33 479 285411

contact@domaine-bouvet.com http://www.domainebouvet.com
Adega Cooperativa de Favaios

Tel: +35 1 259949166
Address: Lugar de Pousados
Region: North Portugal
Town: Favaios
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo

Tel: +35 127 1312161
Address: Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo
Region: Beiras
Town: Figueira de Castelo Rodrigo
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa do Fundão

Tel: +35 1 275752275
Address: Vale de Canas
Region: North Portugal
Town: Fundão
Vineyard in Portugal
Aemme s.r.l.

Tel: +39 0545 50193
Address: Via Pero, 2
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Fusignano
Vineyard in Italy

Tel: +34 941 293500
Address: Barrio de la Estación, s/n
Region: La Rioja
Sub Region: D.O. ca Rioja
Town: Fuenmayor
Vineyard in Spain
Agricola Alimentare Pugliese S.r.l.

Tel: +39 080 4827830
Address: S.P. Burgo Coccaro
Region: Apulia
Town: Fasano
Vineyard in Italy
Agricola Lunigiana S. Chiara srl

Tel: +39 0585 99359
Address: Loc. Santa Chiara Gassano
Region: Tuscany (Toscana)
Town: Fivizzano, Massa
Vineyard in Italy
Agricola Neri s.a.s.

Tel: +39 0546 21714
Address: Via Firenze 408
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Faenza
Vineyard in Italy
Agricola San Domenica di Patalano Maria S. A. S.

Tel: +39 081 5071464
Address: Via Chiena 2
Region: Campania
Town: Forio
Vineyard in Italy
Agriturismo Willif

Tel: +39 0187 628162
Address: Via Canepari 49
Region: Tuscany (Toscana)
Town: Fosdinovo
Vineyard in Italy
Agro – Vinícola Abreu & Sobreiro, Lda.

Tel: +35 262949106
Address: R. 13 de Maio – Carreiros -
Region: Estremadura
Town: Fran
Vineyard in Portugal
Aguirre, S.L.

Tel: +34 948 734155
Address: San Andrés, 6
Region: Navarra (Nafarroa)
Sub Region: D.O. Navarra
Town: Falces
Vineyard in Spain
Alain et Cyril Gautheron

Tel: +33 0 386424434
Address: 18, rue des Prégirots
Region: Burgundy (Bourgogne)
Town: Fleys
Vineyard in France
Alberto y Benito, S.A.

Tel: +34 983 892156
Address: C. del Rosario, 63
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Fompedraza
Vineyard in Spain
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O galardoado restaurante Gourmet é um dos mais elegantes espaços do Hotel, gozando de uma vista única, para a marina de Cascais

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Estate Protopapa was established in 1985 by Mr. A. Protopapas, a chemical engineer, with the intention of making high quality wine for the Greek and internation...
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