Ökologische Weine Lieschied - Rollauer Vineyard in Bacharach-Steeg, Germany Yalumba Vineyard in Angaston, Australia Az. Agr. Rubini Pietro & Figli Vineyard in Cividale del Friuli, Italy Can Rich de Buscatell S.L. Vineyard in San Antonio, Spain

Latest Vineyard Listings

Azienda Agricola Colle Manora di G. Schoen S.S.

Tel: +39 0131 219252
Address: Via Bozzole 7
Region: Piedmont (Piemonte)
Town: Quargnento
Vineyard in Italy
Azienda Agricola Fratelli Carputo S. A. S.

Tel: +39 081 8760526
Address: Via Viticella 115
Region: Campania
Town: Quarto
Vineyard in Italy
Azienda Vitivinicola Villa di Quartu

Tel: +39 0708 26947
Address: Via Garibaldi 96
Region: Sardinia (Sardegna)
Town: Quartu Sant´Elena
Vineyard in Italy
Bod. y Vinedos Gancedo, S.L.L.

Tel: +34 987 563278
Address: El Parque, 9
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Bierzo
Town: Quilós
Vineyard in Spain
Bodega Coop. Nuestra Senora del Rosario

Tel: +34 947 554075
Address: Ctra. Boada, s/n
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Quintanamanvirgo
Vineyard in Spain
Bodega Ecologica Bruno Ruiz

Tel: +34 914 675638
Address: Calle de la Luna, 9
Region: Castilla-La Mancha
Sub Region: V.T. de Castilla
Town: Quero
Vineyard in Spain
Bodega Mondelo

Tel: +34 609440904
Address: Bendollo, 29
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Ribeira Sacra
Town: Quiroga
Vineyard in Spain
Bodegas Arzuaga Navarro, S.L.

Tel: +34 983 681146
Address: Ctra. N-122, km. 325
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Quintanilla de Onésimo
Vineyard in Spain
Bodegas del Campo, S.L.

Tel: +34 947 561034
Address: Camino de Fuentenavares, s/n
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Quintana del Pidio
Vineyard in Spain
Bodegas Leganza, S.A.

Tel: +34 925 564452
Address: Ctra. Madrid-Alicante, km. 121,700
Region: Castilla-La Mancha
Sub Region: D.O. La Mancha
Town: Quintanar de la Orden
Vineyard in Spain
Bodegas Vina Mayor

Tel: +34 91 500600
Address: Ctra. Valladolid-Soria, km. 325,6
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Quintanilla de Onésimo
Vineyard in Spain
Bodegas y Vinedos Santo Domingo, S.A.

Tel: +34 609 085201
Address: Camino de Sarmentero, s/n
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Quintanilla de Arriba
Vineyard in Spain
Cantina Sociale Cooperativa di Quistello

Tel: +39 0376 618118
Address: Via Roma 46
Region: Lombardy
Town: Quistello
Vineyard in Italy
Cantine Bonacchi S.p.A.

Tel: +39 0573 735457
Address: Via Colli Mozzi 26
Region: Tuscany (Toscana)
Town: Quarrata
Vineyard in Italy
Cantine Grotta del Sole

Tel: +39 081 8762566
Address: Via Spinelli, 2
Region: Campania
Town: Quarto
Vineyard in Italy
Cantine Salvalai S.r.l.

Tel: +39 030 9923763
Address: Via M.G. Piozzi 6
Region: Lombardy
Town: Quinzano
Vineyard in Italy

Tel: +39 0577 328008
Address: Via del Chianti Classico, 5
Region: Tuscany (Toscana)
Town: Quercegrossa
Vineyard in Italy
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