Shelmerdine Vineyard in Victoria, Australia Az. Agr. Agrituristica Cantina Ca´ Roma Vineyard in Volta Mantovana, Italy Real Companhia Vinicolo do Norte de Portugal Vineyard in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal Château Bouscaut Vineyard in 33140 Cadaujac, France

Latest Vineyard Listings

Adega Cooperativa de Vila Nova de Foz Coa

Tel: +35 1 279768080
Address: Vila Nova de Foz Coa
Region: North Portugal
Town: Vila Nova de Foz Coa
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Vila Nova de Tázem

Tel: +35 1 238486182
Address: Rua Dr. António Borges, 124
Region: Beiras
Town: Vila Nova de Tázem
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Vila Real

Tel: +35 1 259330500
Address: Vila Real
Region: Douro
Town: Vila Real
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Vilarinho do Bairro

Tel: +35 231 957520
Address: Rua da vila
Region: Beiras
Town: Vilarinho do Bairro
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Valdés S.L.

Tel: +34 981 819083
Address: Souto, 5
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Rías Baixas
Town: Vedra
Vineyard in Spain
Adegas A Coroa

Tel: +34 636 964680
Address: Valencia do Sil
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Valdeorras
Town: Vilamartín de Valdeorras
Vineyard in Spain
Adegas Gran Vinum S.L.

Tel: +34 986555742
Address: Fermin Bouza Brey, N°9 - 5°B
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Rías Baixas
Town: Vilagarcia de Arousa
Vineyard in Spain
Adegas Mourigade, S.L.

Tel: +34 986 501550
Address: Rúa de la igrexa, 2 - Rubians
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Rías Baixas
Town: Vilagarcía de Arousa
Vineyard in Spain
Agr. San Marziano

Tel: +39 0141 649191
Address: Fraz. Accorneri
Region: Piedmont (Piemonte)
Town: Viarigi
Vineyard in Italy
Agro de Bazán, S.A.

Tel: +34 986 555562
Address: Tremoedo, 46
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Rías Baixas
Town: Vilanova de Arousa
Vineyard in Spain

Tel: +35 243 799001
Address: Quinta do Sampayo
Region: Ribatejo
Vineyard in Portugal
Alain Olivier

Tel: +33 02 40362469
Address: La Moucletière
Region: Loire
Town: Vallet
Vineyard in France
Alain Rohart

Tel: +33 02 47526370
Address: 85 bis route de Monnaie
Region: Loire
Town: Vouvray
Vineyard in France
Alberto de Oliveira Pinto

Tel: +35 1 238486623
Address: Quinta da Espinhosa
Region: Beiras
Town: Via Nova de Tázem
Vineyard in Portugal
Albesa Figuerola, S.C.P.

Tel: +34 977 620190
Address: d'Avall, 34
Region: Cataluńa (Catalunya)
Sub Region: D.O. Tarragona
Town: Vilabella
Vineyard in Spain
Alemany I Corrio, S.L.

Tel: +34 938 172587
Address: Melió, 78
Region: Cataluńa (Catalunya)
Sub Region: D.O. Penedčs
Town: Vilafranca del Penedés
Vineyard in Spain
Alimentart Castle S.L.

Tel: +34 983214341
Address: Alimentart Spain, Perú 15. 3şD
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Rueda
Town: Valladolid
Vineyard in Spain
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Restaurant in Antwerpen, Belgium

De Peerdestal
Restaurant in Antwerpen, Belgium
Restaurant de Peerdestal is reeds 40 jaar een vaste waarde in Antwerpen, romantisch en gezellig uit eten in een restaurant in Parijse sfeer.
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Vins Toni Gelabert
Vineyard in Spain
Die Weinkellerei „Vins Toni Gelabert“ ist ein kleiner Familienbetrieb mit handwerklichen Herstellungsmethoden. Im Jahre 1979 begann Toni Gelabert mit der Winz...
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