Casa Santa Vitória Vineyard in Santa Vitória, Portugal Katogi & Strofilia S.A. Vineyard in Metsovo, Greece Azienda agricola Gulfi  Vineyard in Chiaramonte, Italy Badacsonyi Pincegazdaság Zrt Vineyard in Balatonfüred, Hungary

Latest Vineyard Listings

Harzer Weingut Kirmann

Unser Weingut Unser Weingut liegt im nördlichen Harzvorland. Im Mittelpunkt des Landkreises Harz. Genau zwischen Wernigerode, Halberstadt und Quedlinburg.

Vineyard in Saale-Unstrut - Westerhausen - Germany - Tel: +49 3946 701466
Agathe Bursin

Tel: +33 389 470415
Address: 11 rue de Soultzmatt
Region: Alsace
Town: Westhalten
Vineyard in France
André Stentz

Tel: +33 389 806491
Address: 2 rue de la Batteuse
Region: Alsace
Town: Wettolsheim
Vineyard in France
Belle Mount Vineyards

Tel: 804-333-4700
Address: 2570 Newland Rd
Region: Virginia
Sub Region: Virginia
Town: Warsaw
Vineyard in United States
Bürgerspital zum Hl. Geist - Weingut

Tel: +49 931 3503441
Address: Theaterstraße 19
Region: Franconia/Franken
Sub Region: Maindreieck
Town: Würzburg
Vineyard in Germany

Tel: +49 6247 286
Address: Zum Neusatz 14
Region: Rheinhessen
Sub Region: Wonnegau
Town: Worms-Pfeddersheim
Vineyard in Germany
Cape Clairault Wines

Address: Henry Road_ 6280
Region: Western Australia
Town: Willyabrup
Vineyard in Australia

Tel: +49 6242 7019
Address: Untere Trappengasse 8
Region: Rheinhessen
Sub Region: Wonnegau
Town: Worms Abenheim
Vineyard in Germany
Domaine Albert Mann

Tel: 03 89 80 62 00
Address: rue du Château, 13
Region: Alsace
Town: Wettolsheim
Vineyard in France
Domaine Barmes-Buecher

Tel: 03 89 80 62 92
Address: Rue Sainte-Gertrude 30
Region: Alsace
Town: Wettolsheim
Vineyard in France
Domaine Eric Rominger

Tel: +33 389 476860
Address: 16 rue Saint-Blaise
Region: Alsace
Town: Westhalten
Vineyard in France
Domaine Léon Boesch

Tel: +33 389 470183
Address: 6 rue Saint-Blaise
Region: Alsace
Town: Westhalten
Vineyard in France
Domaine Loew

Tel: +33 388 505919
Address: 28 rue Birris
Region: Alsace
Town: Westhoffen
Vineyard in France

Address: 1 Rue de Walbach
Region: Alsace
Town: Wihr-Au-Val
Vineyard in France
Domaine Stentz Buecher

Tel: +33 389 806809
Address: 21 rue Kleb
Region: Alsace
Town: Wettolsheim
Vineyard in France
Evangelische Kirche von Hessen und Nassau

Tel: +49 6249 803008
Address: Lettengasse 6
Region: Rheinhessen
Sub Region: Nierstein
Town: Weinolsheim
Vineyard in Germany

Tel: +49 6534 550
Address: Moselweinstraße 70
Region: Mosel
Sub Region: Bernkastel
Town: Wintrich
Vineyard in Germany
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Restaurant in Sevilla, Spain

La Albahaca
Restaurant in Sevilla, Spain
En una esquina privilegiada de la Plaza de Santa Cruz de Sevilla se encuentra uno de los restaurantes más exquisitos de la capital andaluza.

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Famous French Champagne    

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Vineyard in France

Vineyard in France
C’est en 2003, en terres de Fenouillčdes, dans ce coin préservé du Roussillon qu’Agnčs Graugnard a troqué sa Vallée du Rhône natale pour la moins célčbre mais ...
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VIN DE FLORENCE 2008 Pale yellow-green colour. The nose is extremely attractive with hints of green apples, ripe tropical fruit, ginger, raisins and Muscat. T...
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