Azienda Agricola Fratelli Barale Vineyard in 12060 BAROLO, Italy Hofgut Sonnenschein Vineyard in 79592 Fischingen, Germany Andeluna Cellars Vineyard in  Mendoza, Argentina Bodegas Garciarévalo, S.L. Vineyard in Matapozuelos, Spain

Latest Vineyard Listings

Comoutos Family

In the 360 private estate acres of the land field, the tradition in the production of the traditional Zante Verdea-Rouge-Rose wines continues.

Vineyard in Ionian Islands - Zakynthos - Greece - Tel: 26950-92284
Alfred Cuy

Tel: +49 6542 900093
Address: Zandtstraße 82
Region: Mosel
Sub Region: Terrassenmosel
Town: Zell-Merl
Vineyard in Germany
Angel Ortiz Fernandez

Tel: +34 924 570437
Address: Mártires, 12
Region: Extremadura
Sub Region: V.T. Extremadura
Town: Zafra
Vineyard in Spain
Aroa Vinos & Vinedos

Tel: +34 948 555394
Address: Berokia - 7
Region: Navarra (Nafarroa)
Sub Region: D.O. Navarra
Town: Zurukoain
Vineyard in Spain
Axial Globalizacion de Vinos, S.L.

Tel: +34 976780136
Address: Axial Plaza. c/ Castillo de Capúa, 10 Nave 7
Region: Aragón
Sub Region: D.O. Calatayud
Town: Zaragoza
Vineyard in Spain
Az. Agr. Gaggioli

Tel: +39 0517 53489
Address: Az. Agr. Gaggioli Via Raibolini Il Francia 55
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Zola Predosa
Vineyard in Italy
Az. Agr. Il Monticino

Tel: +39 0517 55260
Address: Via Predosa, 72
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Zola Predosa
Vineyard in Italy
Az. Agr. Molinelli

Tel: +39 0523 863230
Address: Via dei Mille 21
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Ziano Piacentino
Vineyard in Italy
Az. Agr. Podere Casale s.n.s.

Tel: +39 0523 868302
Address: Via Creta, Loc. Vicobarone
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Ziano
Vineyard in Italy
Az. Agr. Zerioli Sas

Tel: +39 0523 751229
Address: Loc. Pozzolo Grosso 253
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Ziano Piacentino
Vineyard in Italy
Az. Vinicola Fratelli Piacentini

Tel: +39 0523 863259
Address: Via Strada Vecchia, 9/b
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Ziano
Vineyard in Italy
Azienda Vinicola Federici

Tel: +39 06 95461022
Address: Via S. Apollaria Vecchia 30
Region: Latium
Town: Zagarolo
Vineyard in Italy
Azienda Vinicola Lodi Corazza

Tel: +39 051 756805
Address: Via Risorgimento, 223
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Zola Predosa
Vineyard in Italy
Azienda Vitivinicola Lusenti S.S.

Tel: +39 0523 868479
Address: Casa Piccioni 57
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Ziano Piacentino
Vineyard in Italy
Basa Lore

Tel: +34 943132231
Address: Barrio Santa Barbara, 1,Caserio Basalore
Region: País Vasco (Euskadi)
Sub Region: D.O. Getariako Txakolina
Town: Zarautz
Vineyard in Spain
Bodega Viña Vega

Tel: +34 927 181712
Address: Travesía de arroyo s/n
Region: Extremadura
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Guadiana
Town: Zarza de Montánchez
Vineyard in Spain
Cantine Racemus di Civardi Roberto

Tel: +39 0523 868112
Address: Loc. Montecucco 209
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Ziano
Vineyard in Italy
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Restaurant in VOUNEUIL SOUS BIARD , France
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Azienda agricola Gulfi
Vineyard in Italy
Probabilmente tra cento anni i nostri vini rappresenteranno ancora la vera espressione del nostro territorio, come lo sono oggi e come lo sono sempre stati.
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