Shelmerdine Vineyard in Victoria, Australia Papantonis Winery Vineyard in 212 00 Argos, Greece Stamata winnery Vineyard in Stamata, Greece Finca Loranque Vineyard in Bargas (Toledo), Spain

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Lievland boasts one of the few underground maturation and storage cellars in the Cape. The cellar, with a surface area of 744m2. It was excavated and shaped in a lower slope of the Simonsberg, near the estate's pressing cellar. Besides the advantage of a constant low temperature throughout the year, the cellar was built underground to preserve the historic farmyard.

Vineyard in Stellenbosch - Stellenbosch - Klapmuts - South Africa - Tel: +27 (021) 875 5226
Léon Beyer

Tel: +33 389 216230
Address: 2 rue de la Première-Armée
Region: Alsace
Town: Eguisheim
Vineyard in France
Léon Launois et Cie

Tel: +33 03 26583333
Address: 6, rue Joliot-Curie
Region: Champagne
Town: Epernay
Vineyard in France

Tel: +33 03 23830538
Address: 11, rue Semars hameau de Courteau
Region: Champagne
Town: Château-Thierry
Vineyard in France
L'Acetaia di Modena

Tel: +39 059 535009
Address: Via Montanara, 22/24
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Castelnuovo Rangone
Vineyard in Italy
L'Azienda CO.VI.O - Cardeto - cooperativa vitivinicola

Tel: +39 0763 341286
Address: Fraz. Sferracavallo-Loc. Cardeto
Region: Umbria
Town: Orvieto
Vineyard in Italy
L'Hoste Père et Fils

Tel: +33 03 26739443
Address: rue Vavray
Region: Champagne
Town: Bassuet
Vineyard in France
L'Olivera, S.C.C.L

Tel: +34 973 331199
Address: La Plana, s/n
Region: Cataluna (Catalunya)
Sub Region: D.O. Costers del Segre
Town: Vallbona de les Monges
Vineyard in Spain
L. et F.Boyer

Tel: +33 03 26554106
Address: 27, rue Dom-Pérignon
Region: Champagne
Town: Chouilly
Vineyard in France
La Badia

Tel: +39 0141 853319
Address: Via Castiglione 9
Region: Piedmont (Piemonte)
Town: Calosso
Vineyard in Italy
La Baronia de Turis, Coop.

Tel: +34 962 526011
Address: Ctra. de Godelleta, 22
Region: Comunidad Valenciana (Comunitat Valenciana)
Sub Region: D.O. Utiel-Requena
Town: Turís
Vineyard in Spain
La Bastide Blanche

Tel: +33 494 326320
Address: Route des Oratoires
Region: Provence
Town: Castellet
Vineyard in France
La Bodega de Pinoso

Tel: +34 965 477040
Address: Paseo de la Constitución, 82
Region: Comunidad Valenciana (Comunitat Valenciana)
Sub Region: D.O. Alicante
Town: Pinoso
Vineyard in Spain
La Boscaiola

Tel: +39 030 7156386
Address: Via Riccafana, 19
Region: Lombardy
Town: Cologne
Vineyard in Italy
La Botera S.A.T.

Tel: +34 977 430009
Address: Sant Roc, 26
Region: Cataluña (Catalunya)
Sub Region: D.O. Terra Alta
Town: Batea
Vineyard in Spain
La Bottega del Vino di Mariotti Giorgio

Tel: +39 0532 804134
Address: Via Circonvallazione, 10
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Argenta
Vineyard in Italy
La Brancaia Sarl

Tel: +39 0577 742007
Address: Loc. Poppi 42B
Region: Tuscany (Toscana)
Town: Radda in Chianti
Vineyard in Italy
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Specialising in seafood, Alex Restaurant, located within the Conrad Dublin luxury hotel, offers contemporary, seasonal menus with a selection of familiar and in...
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Shelmerdine is proud to announce the official release of its 2007 Heathcote red wines including: 2007 Heathcote Shiraz (94/100 Halliday 2010 Wine Companion) ...
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