Shelmerdine Vineyard in Victoria, Australia Bodegas Garciarévalo, S.L. Vineyard in Matapozuelos, Spain Casa Santa Vitória Vineyard in Santa Vitória, Portugal Bodega NQN Vineyard in San Patricio del Chańar. Neuquén, Argentina

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Ökologische Weine Lieschied - Rollauer

Im ökologischen Weinbau sind nur geringe Mengen an Schwefelpräparaten und sonstige Pflanzenmittel zugelassen. Der Schwefelgehalt der Weine muss erheblich niedriger liegen als der vom Weingesetz erlaubte Grenzwert. Der Wein reift hier noch auf "echten" Weinbergen, deren Bewirtschaftung nach wie vor sorgfältige Handarbeit erfordert. Unsere Weine sind Erzeugnisse der traditionellen Weinkultur.

Vineyard in Rhein - Bacharach-Steeg - Germany - Tel: +49 6743 9371915
O Aforado, S.L.

Tel: +34 986 620292
Address: Eiras
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Rías Baixas
Town: O Rosal
Vineyard in Spain
O Testeiro S.A.T.

Tel: +34 988 311659
Address: Somoza, 3
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Valdeorras
Town: A Rúa
Vineyard in Spain

Tel: +34 988471947
Address: Ctra. N-120, s/n
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Ribeiro
Town: Grova-Rivadabia
Vineyard in Spain
O. Fournier

Tel: +54 262 245 1579
Address: Bodegas y Vińedos O. Fournier SACalle Los Indios s/nLa Consulta
Region: Mendoza
Town: Mendoza
Vineyard in Argentina
Oak Crest Vineyard & Winery

Tel: 540-663-2813
Address: 8215 Oak Crest Drive
Region: Virginia
Sub Region: Virginia
Town: King George
Vineyard in United States
OakGlenn Winery

Tel: 573-486-5057
Address: 1104 OakGlenn Place PO Box 96
Region: Missouri
Sub Region: Missouri
Town: Hermann
Vineyard in United States
Oasi degli Angeli

Tel: +39 0735 778569
Address: C.Da Sant´Egidio, 50
Region: Marche
Town: Cupra Marittima
Vineyard in Italy
Oberkircher Winzergenossenschaft eG

Tel: +49 7802 925818
Address: Renchener Straße 42
Region: Baden
Sub Region: Ortenau
Town: Oberkirch
Vineyard in Germany
Oberstleutnant Liebrecht'sche Weingutsverwaltung

Tel: +49 6135 2301und5473
Address: Rheinstraße 30
Region: Rheinhessen
Sub Region: Nierstein
Town: Bodenheim
Vineyard in Germany
Obst und Weinhof Krück

Tel: +49 6353 8332
Address: Friedrichstraße 2
Region: Pfalz
Sub Region: Mittelhaardt/Deutsche Weinstraße
Town: Weisenheim am Sand
Vineyard in Germany
Obst- und Weingut Höhnstedt

Tel: +49 34601 22280
Address: Langenbogener Straße 18
Region: Saale-Unstrut
Town: Höhnstedt
Vineyard in Germany

Tel: +39 0824 874040
Address: Via del Monte 56 - Loc. Madonnella
Region: Campania
Town: Ponte
Vineyard in Italy
Oddero Vineyards and Cellars since 1878

Tel: +39 0173 50618
Address: Fraz. Santa Maria 28
Region: Piedmont (Piemonte)
Town: La Morra
Vineyard in Italy
Oddi S.S.

Tel: +39 0523 860014
Address: Loc. Spada di Fabbiano, 153
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Borgonovo Val Tidone
Vineyard in Italy
Odette et Gilles Miolanne

Tel: +33 04 73967245
Address: 17, rte de Coudes
Region: Loire
Town: Neschers
Vineyard in France
Odfjell Vineyards S.A.

Tel: +56 02 8111530
Address: Cam. Viejo A Valparaiso 7000 - Padre Hurtado
Region: Central Valley
Sub Region: Maipo Valley
Town: Hurtado
Vineyard in Chile
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Restaurant in Cahersiveen - Co. Kerry, Ireland

Fertha Bar
Restaurant in Cahersiveen - Co. Kerry, Ireland
The Fertha Bar is a very nice Pub-Restaurants in the center of Cahersiveen, just in front of the Credit Union bank. Nice specials of the day, old traditional Ir...
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Famous French Champagne    

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Vineyard in Greece

Vineyard in Greece
Andreas Sokos winery, has been in production for the last forty years in the region of Kitherona, renowned for thousands of years for the fine quality of it's w...
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Fruit sourced almost entirely from our 37 year old Wyjup and 39 year old Bouverie vineyards, (78%) growing on ancient gravel loams in the Mt Barker area in the ...
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