Plantagenet Wines Vineyard in Mount Barker, Australia Casa Santa Vitória Vineyard in Santa Vitória, Portugal Katogi & Strofilia S.A. Vineyard in Metsovo, Greece Soc. Agr. D.Diniz - Monte da Ravasqueira Vineyard in Arraiolos, Portugal

Latest Vineyard Listings

Papantonis Winery

The Papantonis vineyard consists of 20 acres planted in 1982 after extensive research. We chose the ideal fertile land located within the small village of Malandreni, in the high lands of the province of Argolis ...

Vineyard in Peloponnese - 212 00 Argos - Greece - Tel: +30 27510 23620
Plantagenet Wines

Vineyard in Western Australia - Mount Barker - Australia - Tel: + 61 898513111

Estate Protopapa was established in 1985 by Mr. A. Protopapas, a chemical engineer, with the intention of making high quality wine for the Greek and international markets.

Vineyard in Macedonia - Kavala - Greece - Tel: +30 25920 44888
P. Granger

Tel: +33 47 4044479
Address: Les Poupets
Region: Beaujolais
Town: Julienas_
Vineyard in France
P. Misserey - Louis Max S.A.

Tel: +33 380 624300
Address: Rue de Chaux
Region: Burgundy (Bourgogne)
Town: Goerges
Vineyard in France
P.Guerre et Fils - Michel Guerre

Tel: +33 03 26586272
Address: 3, rue de Champagne
Region: Champagne
Town: Venteuil
Vineyard in France
P.T.E. Vigna Villae In Taurasi

Tel: +39 081 5519386
Address: Via S Angelo all'Esca - C/da Pesano
Region: Campania
Town: Taurasi
Vineyard in Italy
Pablo Padín, S.L.

Tel: +34 986 743231
Address: Ameiro, 24 - Dena
Region: Galicia
Sub Region: D.O. Rías Baixas
Town: Meaño
Vineyard in Spain

Tel: +39 0173 979544
Address: Fraz. Madonna di Loreto - Cascina Pace 52
Region: Piedmont (Piemonte)
Town: Canale
Vineyard in Italy

Tel: +39 0472 835717
Address: Loc. Novacella - V.lo Pacher,1
Region: Alto Adige
Town: Vahrn/Varna
Vineyard in Italy

Tel: +39 0577355044
Address: Castelnuovo Berardenga
Region: Tuscany (Toscana)
Town: Castelnuovo Berardenga
Vineyard in Italy
Paço de Cister – Soc. Agr. e Turismo, Lda.

Tel: +35 262831295
Address: Quinta do Paço Alvorninha
Region: Estremadura
Town: Alvorninha
Vineyard in Portugal
Pagani Luigi

Tel: +39 0523 863203
Address: Via Marconi, 60
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Ziano Piacentino
Vineyard in Italy
Pagni Vini S.a.s. di Riccardo Arrigoni & C.

Tel: +39 0187 504060
Address: Via Sarzana 224
Region: Liguria
Town: La Spezia
Vineyard in Italy
Pago casa Gran

Tel: +34 96 2261004
Address: Carretera Mogente a Fontanares Km 9,45
Region: Comunidad Valenciana (Comunitat Valenciana)
Sub Region: D.O. Valencia
Town: Mogente/Moixent
Vineyard in Spain
Pago de Carraovejas

Tel: +34 983 878020
Address: Camino de Carraovejas, s/n
Region: Castilla y León
Sub Region: D.O. Ribera del Duero
Town: Penafiel
Vineyard in Spain
Pago de la Jaraba

Tel: +34 967 522523
Address: Poligono 9, Parcela 14
Region: Castilla-La Mancha
Sub Region: D.O. La Mancha
Town: El Provencio
Vineyard in Spain
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Restaurant in Biberstein, Switzerland

Aarfähre Käpten Jo's
Restaurant in Biberstein, Switzerland
Romantik, Abenteuerlust und die grosse Liebe zum Meer verführten den ehemaligen Seemann "Käpten Jo" dazu,
seine Aarfähre zu bauen, einen auf Trocken-Dock l...

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Famous French Champagne    

Selected Vineyard

Vineyard in Spain

Sánchez Romate Hnos.,S.A.
Vineyard in Spain
Über mehr als 200 Jahre haben die Erzeugnisse des Hauses einen offenen, betont kosmopolitischen Geist zum Ausdruck gebracht, ohne jedoch die sehr enge Bindung a...
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Der erste Vorfahr, der Weinbau betrieb, war Nikolaus von Nell. Er war zugleich das erste Mitglied der Familie von Nell, das sich im Trierer Raum niedergelassen ...
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San Miguel Brewery, Inc.
When it comes to beer in the Philippines, San Miguel Beer is the top-of-mind choice. Each bottle of San Miguel Beer served on the table is a product of over a c...
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