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Latest Vineyard Listings

Zacharias Vineyards

Tel: +30 27460 22667
Address: Elias Zacharias, the wine-maker 2nd Km. Nemea-Petri Road
Region: Peloponnese
Town: Nemea
Vineyard in Greece
Zahira Nasser Eddin

Tel: +34 922 286898
Address: Los Monos, 10 - El Pico - Tejina
Region: Canary islands
Sub Region: D.O. Tacoronte-Acentejo
Town: La Laguna
Vineyard in Spain
Zamuner Azienda Agricola

Tel: +39 049 9440217
Address: Via Valecchia 40
Region: Veneto
Town: Sona
Vineyard in Italy
Zanasi Azienda Agricola

Tel: +39 059 537052
Address: Via Settecani Cavidole 53
Region: Emilia Romagna
Town: Castelnuovo Rangone
Vineyard in Italy
Zanetta Sergio & Valter s.n.c.

Tel: +39 0321 860621
Address: Corso Italia 64/C
Region: Piedmont (Piemonte)
Town: Sizzano
Vineyard in Italy

Tel: +39 0461601496
Address: Via Roma, 24
Region: Trentino
Town: Mezzolombardo
Vineyard in Italy
Zanini Luigi Az. Agricola

Tel: +39 0461 601496
Address: Via Roma, 24
Region: Trentino
Town: Mezzolombardo
Vineyard in Italy
Zardetto Spumanti

Tel: +39 0438 208909
Address: Via Ogliano 15/A-Via Martiri delle Foibe 18 - Zona Ind. Prealpi Trevigiane
Region: Veneto
Town: Conegliano
Vineyard in Italy
Zarelli Vini

Tel: +39 078 535311
Address: Via Vittorio Emanuele 36
Region: Sardinia (Sardegna)
Town: Magomadas
Vineyard in Italy
Zecchini Azienda Agricola La Costa di Romagnano di Zampieri Lorenzo

Tel: +39 0458 650111
Address: Loc. Costa 86
Region: Veneto
Town: Grezzana
Vineyard in Italy
Zeller Abtsberg Winzer eG (bisher: WG Zell-Weierbach)

Tel: +49 781 9191830
Address: Schulstraße 5
Region: Baden
Sub Region: Ortenau
Town: Offenburg
Vineyard in Germany
Zenato Azienda Vitivinicola Srl

Tel: +39 045 7550300
Address: S. Benedetto 8
Region: Veneto
Town: San Benedetto di Lugana, Peschiera del Garda
Vineyard in Italy
Zephaniah Farm Vineyard

Tel: 703-431-2016
Address: 19381 Dunlop Mill Road
Region: Virginia
Sub Region: Virginia
Town: Leesburg
Vineyard in United States

Tel: +27 +21 903 5123
Address: Zevenwacht Langverwacht Road | Kuils River | 7580 | South | Africa
Region: Stellenbosch
Sub Region: Stellenbosch
Town: Stellenbosch
Vineyard in South Africa

Tel: +39 099 4534510
Address: Via Anfiteatro 77
Region: Apulia
Town: Taranto
Vineyard in Italy

Address: Loc. Prepotto, 23 - Fraz. S. Pelagio
Region: Friuli/Venezia-Giulia
Town: Duino Aurisina
Vineyard in Italy

Tel: +49 6321 5065
Address: Weinstraße Nord 45
Region: Pfalz
Sub Region: Südliche Weinstraße
Town: Maikammer
Vineyard in Germany
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Restaurant in FL9497 Malbun, Liechtenstein

Restaurant in FL9497 Malbun, Liechtenstein
In the wonderful location of Malbun in the principality of Liechtenstein the falconry of Galina offers you a comfortable hotel with beautiful rooms and a dignif...
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Famous French Champagne    

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Vineyard in Portugal

Caves Sao Joao
Vineyard in Portugal
Aliando a história e a tradição familiar ao longo de gerações à modernidade dos processos produtivos e de gestão, as Caves São João tentam hoje superar todas as...
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BB Balatonboglári Merlot rosé
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The consumption of rosé wines has been increasing throughout the world, therefore, BB has created the sweet Merlot Rosé from the most preferred variety of the w...
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