Bodegas Garciarévalo, S.L. Vineyard in Matapozuelos, Spain Bodegas Etchart Vineyard in Cafayate. Salta, Argentina Bozóky Kft Vineyard in Mór, Hungary Hofgut Sonnenschein Vineyard in 79592 Fischingen, Germany

Latest Vineyard Listings

Sunset Hills Vineyard

Sunset Hills Vineyard is dedicated to the growing and production of ultra premium wines from our vineyards outside Purcellville, in Loudoun County, Virginia

Vineyard in Virginia - Purcellville - United States - Tel: 703 725-3546

Cave Baudry-Dutour Christophe BAUDRY, propriétaire ŕ CRAVANT LES COTEAUX, fils et petit fils de vigneron, est un homme du terroir porteur et garant de la tradition. Jean-Martin DUTOUR, passionné de vin, s’est installé en Chinonais en 1993 aprčs avoir passé les diplômes d’ingénieur agronome et d’śnologue.

Vineyard in Loire - Panzoult - France - Tel: +33 247 585301
Capla - Casanova Agro Pecuária S.A.

Restruturada em 1991 por Carmen Guimarăes e seu marido Carlos Alberto, a adega da Quinta Villa Beatriz possui hoje todo o equipamento, tecnologia e estruturas para a produçăo de vinhos de alta qualidade. Recebeu uma mençăo de "Adega Modelo" pelas suas condiçőes e qualidade de produçăo.

Vineyard in North Portugal - Póvoa de Lanhoso - Portugal - Tel: +35 1 253631523
-Marc Brocard

Tel: +33 386 414900
Address: 3 Route de Chablis
Region: Burgundy (Bourgogne)
Town: Préhy
Vineyard in France
A. F. Gros

Tel: +33 3 80226185
Address: La Garelle
Region: Burgundy (Bourgogne)
Town: Pommard
Vineyard in France
A. Megapanos Winery

Tel: +30 210 6038038
Address: 1st Km Pikermi-Spata
Region: Central Greece
Town: Pikermi
Vineyard in Greece
A. Ogier et Fils

Tel: 33490393232
Address: 10 Avenue Louis Pasteur BP 75
Region: Rhone
Town: Pape
Vineyard in France
Abraxas S.n.c.

Tel: +39 091 6116832
Address: Via Enrico Albanese, 29
Region: Sicily (Sicilia)
Town: Palermo
Vineyard in Italy
Accordini Igino Azienda Agricola

Tel: +39 045 7701985
Address: Via Bolla 7
Region: Veneto
Town: Pedemonte
Vineyard in Italy
Achaia Clauss Wine Co. S.A.

Tel: +30 2610 368100
Address: Petroto Patron
Region: Peloponnese
Town: Patras
Vineyard in Greece
Adega Coop. de Paredes, C.R.L.

Tel: +35 1 225780480
Address: Av. Bombeiros Voluntários
Region: North Portugal
Town: Paredes
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Coop. de Ponte da Barca, CRL

Tel: +35 1 258480220
Address: Lugar de Agrelos Ponte da Barca
Region: North Portugal
Town: Ponte da Barca
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Coop. de Ponte de Lima, CRL

Tel: +35 1 258909700
Address: Rua Conde de Bertiandos
Region: North Portugal
Town: Ponte de Lima
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Palmela

Tel: +35 1 212337020
Address: Apartado 52, Palmela Gare
Region: Ribatejo
Town: Palmela
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Penalva do Castelo

Tel: +35 1 232642264
Address: Calvário, Ínsua
Region: North Portugal
Town: Penalva do Castelo
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Pinhel

Tel: +35 1 271413353
Address: Pinhel
Region: Beiras
Town: Pinhel
Vineyard in Portugal
Adega Cooperativa de Pombal, CRL.

Tel: +35 236209810
Address: Alto da Granja
Region: Estremadura
Town: Pombal
Vineyard in Portugal
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Restaurant in Mallorca, Spain

SaCuina De n'Aina
Restaurant in Mallorca, Spain
• This is due to our recipes that come straight from Aina Carbonell’s culinary art
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Famous French Champagne    

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Vineyard in Germany

Weinbau Ralf Wagner
Vineyard in Germany
Heute bietet Ihnen unser Weinbaubetrieb, gewachsen auf fast 4 Hektar, eine typisch rheinhessische Sorten- & Geschmacksvielfalt an. Traditionelle Reben wie Silva...
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Jolie robe rubis. Arômes de fruits noirs (cassis), toasté, et d'épices. Belle rondeur en bouche, avec des tanins fins. Finale épicée persistante. prix: 1...
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