Restaurant La Gaichel Restaurant in EISCHEN, Luxembourg Chiggeri Restaurant Restaurant in Luxembourg, Luxembourg BRASSERIE GUILLAUME RESTAURANT Restaurant in LUXEMBOURG, Luxembourg De Pefferkär Restaurant Restaurant in HUNCHERANGE, Luxembourg

Restaurants in Luxembourg


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Au Petit Ver de Terre Sàrl Tel: 26 74 76 52   Address: 35 rte du Vin   Town: Wormeldange (Wormer)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Auberge Koeppchen Tel: 76 00 46 1   Address: 9 Berreggaass   Town: Wormeldange-Haut (Wormer Berreg)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Auberge Michel Rodange Tel: 95 06 69   Address: 11 r. Michel Rodange   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Boulangerie-Pâtisserie Schumacher SA Tel: 76 05 76   Address: 111 r. Principale   Town: Wormeldange (Wormer)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Bourg (succ. Goerens-Schiltges) Tel: 92 16 07   Address: maison 40   Town: Weicherdange (Wäicherdang)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Café-Restaurant Ribatejo Tel: 39 93 97   Address: 1 r. de Koerich   Town: Windhof (Koerich) (Wandhaff)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Café-Restaurant Waldhaff Sàrl Tel: 42 71 70   Address: rte d'Echternach   Town: Waldhof (Waldhaff)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Grill Palast Tel: 26 34 01 92   Address: 19 r. de Remich   Town: Welfrange (Welfreng)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Groupe Sin Sàrl Tel: 26 71 40 01   Address: 33 Grand-Rue   Town: Wasserbillig (Waasserbëlleg)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Happy Forest Tel: 26 67 23 86   Address: 1 rte de Thionville   Town: Weiler-la-Tour (Weiler)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Hostellerie des Ardennes Sàrl Tel: 95 81 52   Address: 61 Grand-Rue   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Hostellerie du Nord Tel: 99 83 19   Address: 113 rte de Stavelot   Town: Weiswampach (Wäiswampech)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Hôtel Reuter - Restaurant Am Waarkdall Tel: 81 29 17   Address: 2 Waarkstrooss   Town: Welscheid (Welschent)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Hôtel-Restaurant Beau Séjour Tel: 95 82 50   Address: 21 r. du Dix Septembre   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Hôtel-Restaurant du Vieux Château Tel: 95 80 18   Address: 1-3 Grand-Rue   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Jin Jianguang Tel: 26 66 42 68   Address: 6 r. de l'Eglise   Town: Wellenstein (Welleschten)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

L'Auberge Campagnarde Tel: 26 95 07 99   Address: 28 duerfstrooss   Town: Winseler (Wanseler)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

La Frégatte Tel: 26 95 37 37   Address: 44 r. de Noertzange   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Le Panis Tel: 26 95 07 95   Address: 29 Grand-Rue   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Pahia Tel: 26 36 62   Address: 5 rte de Thionville   Town: Weiler-la-Tour (Weiler)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Petit Restaurant Chinois La Fontaine Tel: 26 95 32 55   Address: 14 r. de la Fontaine   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Primavera Tel: 2 69 01 911   Address: 24 Op der Haart   Town: Wemperhardt (Wämperhaart)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant A Schmatten Tel: 23 66 82 61   Address: 1 Saangewee   Town: Welfrange (Welfreng)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Am Kiischpelt Tel: 92 91 21   Address: 6 a Millefeld   Town: Wilwerwiltz (Wëlwerwooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Asie Orient Tel: 26 95 33 62   Address: 2 r. du 31 Août 1942   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Bella Calabria Sàrl Tel: 74 83 85   Address: 2 rte de Luxembourg   Town: Wasserbillig (Waasserbëlleg)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Campill Tel: 33 01 33   Address: 1 r. de Dommeldange   Town: Walferdange (Walfer)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Chinois Fuhua Tel: 74 96 28   Address: 53 Grand-Rue   Town: Wasserbillig (Waasserbëlleg)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Chinois Ginyinfeng Tel: 74 95 62   Address: 31 Grand-Rue   Town: Wasserbillig (Waasserbëlleg)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Chinois Régent Tel: 33 97 05   Address: 18 rte de Diekirch   Town: Walferdange (Walfer)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant de la Vallée Tel: 83 62 91   Address: 5 rte d'Echternach   Town: Wallendorf-Pont (Wallenduerfer-Bréck)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Keup Tel: 99 75 99-300   Address: 64 Gruuss-Strooss   Town: Weiswampach (Wäiswampech)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant L'Ecuelle Tel: 99 89 56   Address: 15 rte Principale   Town: Wilwerdange (Wilwerdang)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant La Ciociara Sàrl Tel: 33 10 57   Address: 15 rte de Diekirch   Town: Walferdange (Walfer)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant La Frégate Sàrl Tel: 74 87 27-1   Address: 7 esplan. de la Moselle   Town: Wasserbillig (Waasserbëlleg)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant La Romantica Tel: 26 71 06 51   Address: 4 Garerstroos   Town: Wecker   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant le Recto Verso Tel: 26 95 31 83   Address: 11 Grand-Rue   Town: Wiltz (Wooltz)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Rêve de Chine Tel: 97 91 81   Address: 100 A um Kiemel   Town: Weiswampach (Wäiswampech)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant Yang Guang Fan Dian Tel: 94 93 40   Address: maison 52   Town: Wincrange (Wëntger)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

Restaurant-Brasserie Op der Haart Tel: 2 69 01 903   Address: 24 Op der Haart   Town: Wemperhardt (Wämperhaart)   Restaurant in Luxembourg

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Selected Restaurant

Restaurant in EISCHEN, Luxembourg

Restaurant La Gaichel
Restaurant in EISCHEN, Luxembourg
Halte gastronomique de très longue date, la «Gaichel» combine harmonieusement la qualité de sa table, et le calme de la campagne.
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Weingut Mönchberger Hof
Vineyard in Germany
Weingut Mönchberger Hof Ob für Ihre Freunde, Familie, Firma oder Ihren Verein, wir bieten Ihnen Weinproben in unserem Weingut an. Beim gemütlichen Beisammense...
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