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Recipe: VIETNAMESE NOODLE SALAD Recipe: Entremet au citron Recipe: Flan au lait de coco Recipe: Shiipork
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Recipe Type: Pasta
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Recipe Type: Desserts & Puddings
Recipe Course: Desserts & Puddings
Recipe Type: Desserts & Puddings
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Baking & Breads Recipes

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Abernathy Biscuits Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, American recipes, Abernathy Biscuits
Excellent cookies

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - American recipes
Aebleskiver Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, Scandinavian recipes, Aebleskiver
Aebleskiver - a Danish dessert, like doughnut holes, but sweeter and much better traditionally served with glogg during the Advent. Cooked in a cast iron pan th ...

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - Scandinavian recipes
Almond paste tart Recipe - Baking & Breads, Desserts & Puddings, British recipes, Almond paste tart
Pour 6 Personnes

Type de recette : Dessert
Temps de préparation : 10 min
Temps de cuisson : 35 min

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Desserts & Puddings - British recipes
Amaretti Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, Italian recipes, Amaretti
This is the classic Italian almond macaroon. When first baked they are crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. As they sit, they get crunchy throughout. ...

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - Italian recipes
Amaretti Biscotti Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, Italian recipes, Amaretti Biscotti
Toasted almond and lemon zest biscotti for any occasion. Try these variations: Use 1/2 teaspoon of either vanilla or anise extract instead of the almond extract ...

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - Italian recipes
Amour de cupcake Recipe - Baking & Breads, Desserts & Puddings, French recipes, Amour de cupcake
Pour 2 Personnes

Type de recette : Dessert
Temps de préparation : 10 min
Temps de cuisson : 20 min

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Desserts & Puddings - French recipes
Apfelkuchen Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, German recipes, Apfelkuchen
This is a delicious German recipe.

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - German recipes
Apple and Carrot Christmas Pudding Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, British recipes, Apple and Carrot Christmas Pudding
This is just like traditional Christmas pudding, but with less fat. The house smells great all day long. It's wonderful served with rum or cranberry sauce. For ...

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - British recipes
Apple pie Recipe - Baking & Breads, Desserts & Puddings, British recipes, Apple pie
Pour 6 Personnes

Type de recette : Dessert
Temps de préparation : 10 min
Temps de cuisson : 40 min

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Desserts & Puddings - British recipes
Apple Shortbread Pie Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, Irish recipes, Apple Shortbread Pie
A very nice cake for the midday break. You can't get it better

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - Irish recipes
Austrian Chocolate Balls Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, German recipes, Austrian Chocolate Balls
Delicate dark chocolate balls topped with a rich dark chocolate glaze. Paradise on earth. This is a recipe from the Austrian Cuisine

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - German recipes
Austrian Jam Cookies Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, German recipes, Austrian Jam Cookies
A Christmas tradition in the Austrian Cuisine

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - German recipes
Baba au rhum Recipe - Baking & Breads, Desserts & Puddings, French recipes, Baba au rhum
Pour 6 Personnes

Type de recette : Dessert
Temps de préparation : 10 min
Temps de cuisson : 11 min

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Desserts & Puddings - French recipes
Baghrire crépe marocaine à mille trous Recipe - Baking & Breads, Breakfast, Moroccan - Maghreb recipes, Baghrire crépe marocaine à mille trous
pour 8 personne et plus temps de préparation: 15min temps de préparation: 15min déguster avec plaisir :)

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Breakfast - Moroccan - Maghreb recipes
Bailey's Irish Cream Brownies Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, Irish recipes, Bailey's Irish Cream Brownies
A classic of the Irish Cuisine. Served with a farm made vanilla ice cream, the absolute perfect dessert

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - Irish recipes
Bajor cipó magyar módra Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, Eastern European recipes, Bajor cipó magyar módra
variációk egy témára

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - Eastern European recipes
Baklava Recipe - Baking & Breads, Cakes & Bakes, Greek recipes, Baklava
A Greek favorite that makes everyone think you are a master chef and is sooo easy to make!! The phyllo dough for this recipe is found in the freezer section of ...

Recipe - Baking & Breads - Cakes & Bakes - Greek recipes
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Selected Restaurant

Restaurant in Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg), Luxembourg

Il Fragolino
Restaurant in Luxembourg (Lëtzebuerg), Luxembourg
bonne adresse pour déguster antipasti, pâtes fraîches faîtes maison, risotto et minestrone en tous genres, ou plus rafinné.
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Famous French Champagne    

Selected Vineyard

Vineyard in France

Château Brillette
Vineyard in France
L’appellation Moulis est située au cœur du Médoc, sur ces terres de la rive gauche de l’estuaire de la Gironde dans lesquelles se récoltent les plus célèbres vi...
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TRES OLMOS BARREL FERMENTED -French oak barrels accommodate this single-varietal white wine (100% Verdejo), produced from the oldest vineyards of the estate, d...
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La toute première vente aux Enchères de Tokaj atteint 67 500 €
Event Date: 27.04.13
La toute première vente aux enchères de vins contemporains de Tokaj, qui a eu lieu le 27 avril 2013 dans la salle historique du château de Sárospatak, au centre...
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Fresh and processed Philippine fruits that come from the fertile lands of the fruit basket of the Philippines...Mindanao. We deliver only the freshest and choic...
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Pork Chicken Pa cham
Pork Chicken Pa cham
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