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Recipe: Suflê de Pinhão Recipe: Blinis et chantilly de crevettes Recipe: Humba (Braised Pork Belly) Recipe: Pancit Buco
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Recipe Type: Other
Recipe Course: Starters
Recipe Type: Baking & Breads
Recipe Course: Starters
Recipe Type: Meat
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Dairy Recipes

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Clotted Cream Recipe - Dairy, Desserts & Puddings, Irish recipes, Clotted Cream
A tasty alternative to the real thing. Heavy cream is lightly sweetened, whipped until stiff, and mixed with a little sour cream for flavor. Serve with scon ...

Recipe - Dairy - Desserts & Puddings - Irish recipes
Crème au caramel Recipe - Dairy, Desserts & Puddings, French recipes, Crème au caramel
Pour 6 Personnes

Type de recette : Dessert
Temps de préparation : 15 min
Temps de cuisson : 45 min

Recipe - Dairy - Desserts & Puddings - French recipes
Crème catalane Recipe - Dairy, Desserts & Puddings, Spanish recipes, Crème catalane
Pour 4 Personnes

Type de recette : Dessert
Temps de préparation : 5 min
Temps de cuisson : 15 min

Recipe - Dairy - Desserts & Puddings - Spanish recipes
fondue savoyarde Recipe - Dairy, Main Courses, French recipes, fondue savoyarde
Pour 4 Personnes

Type de recette : Plat
Temps de préparation : 30 min
Temps de cuisson : 20 min

Recipe - Dairy - Main Courses - French recipes
Lassi au concombre Recipe - Dairy, Starters, French recipes, Lassi au concombre
Pour 4 Personnes

Type de recette : Entrée
Temps de préparation : 10 min
Temps de cuisson : 0 min

Recipe - Dairy - Starters - French recipes
Piknik pite Recipe - Dairy, Breakfast, Eastern European recipes, Piknik pite
paradicsom másként

Recipe - Dairy - Breakfast - Eastern European recipes
Riz au lait à la lavande Recipe - Dairy, Desserts & Puddings, French recipes, Riz au lait à la lavande
Pour 4 Personnes

Type de recette : Dessert
Temps de préparation : 5 min
Temps de cuisson : 20 min

Recipe - Dairy - Desserts & Puddings - French recipes

Selected Restaurant

Restaurant in Bruxelles, Belgium

Restaurant L'Estragon
Restaurant in Bruxelles, Belgium
Restaurant L'Estragon
La cuisine est ouverte de 11h00 à 23h00, 7 jours sur 7. Une bonne brasserie qui plait pour sa table et son cadre !

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Famous French Champagne    

Selected Vineyard

Vineyard in Spain

Bilma S.A.T. Winery
Vineyard in Spain
Located on the road to el Teide from Chio, belonging to Guía de Isora Bilma Wine Cellar is in the south west of Tenerife. Brand new, just finished, Bilma has t...
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Recommended Wines

Wines from South Africa

Lievland Shiraz 2004
Wines from South Africa
South Africans Susan and John Colley bought the farm in 2003. Keeping true to the history of Lievland the Colleys' have devoted much of their energy to the vine...
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Maquinaria de Procesamiento de Alimentos, Tecnología de Alimentos, Ingredientes para Alimentos, Tecnología de embalaje, maquinaria de envasado, material de embalaje, Foto Equipo de laboratorio,

AFEX - AsiaFood Expo-2013 - 01-09-2013
Event Date: 09.01.13
Categoría del suceso: Procesamiento de Alimentos Maquinaria, Tecnología de Alimentos, Ingredientes para Alimentos, Tecnología de embalaje, maquinaria de envasad...
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Fresh and processed Philippine fruits that come from the fertile lands of the fruit basket of the Philippines...Mindanao. We deliver only the freshest and choic...
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