Restaurant Fine Dining - Ipswich - United Kingdom
Bistro on the Quay
is situated on the historic waterfront of Ipswich, Suffolk. The restaurant is housed in a former salt warehouse overlooking the new marina and is easily accessible by foot, car or sail. Bistro on the Quay is ideally placed in the heart of the Ipswich Waterfront Regeneration area which includes galleries, cafes, shops, hotels and the new..
Bistro on the Quay  Restaurant in Ipswich, United Kingdom Bistro on the Quay  Restaurant in Ipswich, United Kingdom Bistro on the Quay  Restaurant in Ipswich, United Kingdom Bistro on the Quay  Restaurant in Ipswich, United Kingdom
Bistro on the Quay - Ipswich
United Kingdom » Restaurant in Ipswich » Fine Dining Restaurant
Restaurant Language : English
Bistro on the Quay
is situated on the historic waterfront of Ipswich, Suffolk. The restaurant is housed in a former salt warehouse overlooking the new marina and is easily accessible by foot, car or sail. Bistro on the Quay is ideally placed in the heart of the Ipswich Waterfront Regeneration area which includes galleries, cafes, shops, hotels and the new East of England Dance Studio as well as the prestigious University Campus Suffolk.

At the Bistro we aim to serve excellent food and wine at sensible prices in a relaxed and friendly dining room. We specialize in fresh local produce which changes with the seasons.
Private dining is available by special arrangement in our upstairs restaurant dining area.

Gift vouchers are available and make a perfect gift.

This year our nominated charity is St Elizabeth Hospice.

Restaurant Details

Restaurant Name : Bistro on the Quay
Restaurant Owner Name :
Restaurant Trading Since :
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Restaurant Type : Fine Dining
Restaurant Speciality :
Restaurant Chef Name :
Restaurant Sommelier Name :

Contact Details
Bistro on the Quay
3 Wherry Quay
United Kingdom
Tel : +44 (0)1473 286677
E-mail :

Bistro on the Quay  Restaurant in Ipswich, United Kingdom

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