Restaurant International - Moscow - Russia
Sandune - this restaurant has retained the sophistication and atmosphere of the XIX century, combined with comfort, able to satisfy the most demanding guest.
Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia
Sanduny - Moscow
Russia » Restaurant in Moscow » International Restaurant
Restaurant Language : English
When asked about the most famous public bath houses in Moscow, all without hesitation answer - Sandunovsky. But really, it's not just Moscow's oldest baths, but the architectural and engineering marvel. This age-old Russian banya - a real palace with huge rooms, high arches, stucco, marble staircases, golden painting. Add to this the preservation of ancient traditions, a variety of services, curative effect of native Russian bath and you'll understand why Sandune called unique!

It is worth mentioning, and restaurant Sandune. Inn folk and townspeople of all classes love hazhivat here before and after bath treatment, chill with cold beer, kvas rye with horseradish, mead or ice Smirnoff vodka ... From Monday to Friday, the restaurant invites you to a business lunch, and during sporting events on live broadcasts of matches, cups, during which the restaurant organizes special events with surprises and gifts. Hallmark of our restaurants are company Sandunovsky homemade tinctures made according to ancient recipes.

Restaurant Details

Restaurant Name : Sanduny
Restaurant Owner Name :
Restaurant Trading Since :
Restaurant Situated :
Restaurant Nearest City :
Restaurant Type : International
Restaurant Speciality :
Restaurant Chef Name :
Restaurant Sommelier Name :

Restaurant Menu Brief
Russian, Uzbek and Chinese cuisines.

Air Conditioning :
Parking :
Children Welcome :
Romantic Atmosphere :
Smoking Area :
Contact Details
st. Neglinnaya 14, Moscow, 107031
Tel : +7(495) 628-67-33
E-mail :

More Pictures
Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia
Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia Sanduny Restaurant in Moscow, Russia

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