Chile » Central Valley » Maule Valley » Javier » Carta Vieja
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One of the main concerns and responsibilities that we have as a company is to care for the environment for the future generations. The vineyard is involved in knowing and resolving issues regarding global warming.
One of the negative impacts of using fossil fuels for production is that it emanates carbon dioxide, which in great quantities augments its concentration in the atmosphere. The main problem with this high carbon dioxide concentration is that the Earth’s temperature might increase, a process known as the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere impede infrared radiation to escape to outer space, bouncing back to Earth and generating extra warmth for the Earth’s environment.
It is for this reason that Viña Carta Vieja has taken considerations in the matter and is working to neutralize its carbon dioxide emissions involved in wine transportation to Europe, the Americas and Asia by purchasing carbon assets (carbon points) from the specialized environmental company, First Climate.
Sustainable development is one that is focused on current needs but does not endanger or risk future abilities. Sustainability: beyond the environment.
As a company we try to include other aspects related to the quality of life for human beings such as:
• Revitalizing economic growth
• Improving and fortifying the socioeconomic conditions of our workers (salary, work conditions, fringe benefits, training courses, among others)
• Preserving natural resources
• Being aware of the impact of our decisions on the environment
• Promoting technological training
• Increasing production levels to obtain export generated income.
The Valle de Loncomilla is one of the oldest and traditional wine-growing valleys in Chile, and much like the rest of the country it is free of most pests and plagues that attack vines worldwide. Chile is free of Phylloxera, which allows vines to grow with their own roots having no need for grafting. This fact makes Chilean vines have longer lifetimes than any other vines from other wine producing countries in the world. The results are evident, more complex and balanced wine productions.
Native shrub-like flora can be found in the vineyard including boldo, chagual, litres and puyas, as well as native trees such as the canelo, arrayán, peumo and cypress trees.
The existent flora serves as a shelter for wild fauna mainly made up by birds such as loicas, chincols, queltehues, diucas and other animals such as rabbits, hares and foxes.
Soil composition varies depending on its origin. Sedimentary soils are created by sediments from rivers and glaciers and have textures that range from loam to sandy loam having abundant gravel when in depth. Other types of granitic origin soils (rocks decomposed through many years) have clay loam textures at the surface and sandy loam textures when in depth; its colour is dark brown and moderately saturated. There are also soils of volcanic origin with clay loam textures and a dark brown colour at surface with gravel in depth.
Soil varieties are an excellent advantage for locating diverse areas specifically advantageous for each of the vine stock produced, which along with the warm summer days yet cool windy nights, creates a perfect mesoclimate for the growth of the different varieties of red grapes. The outcome is the production of intensely and lively red tinted wines, with soft and round tannins. White wines also find a niche with their production of fresh wines, which have good acidity levels as well as the perfect volume and balance.
The predominant climate of the region is described as a “Lower Temperate Mesothermal Stenothermic Semiarid Mediterranean” climate. In the summer, its sunken and protected location provides a warm and dry environment, while during winter the environment is cold and wet. Its close proximity to the Pacific Ocean allows the entrance of a soft sea breeze (the sea is only 75 km away from the valley). This refreshing breeze comes in during hot summer evenings providing an ideal environment for slow and proper ripening of the grapes.
Regarding temperature ranges, January is the warmest month of the year, with maximum average temperatures of 30° C. This month has dramatic daily thermal fluctuations, with recorded differences up to 15-18° C between night and day. During the harvest season the maximum average temperatures quickly fall, maintaining thermal fluctuations at different times of the day. July is the coldest month of the year with minimum average temperatures of 4° C. Risks of frost are present at the beginning of spring, though they have been reduced to small remote areas of the valley.
Our vineyards are mostly planted 100 meters above sea level, with an annual average rainfall of 837 mm which is greatly beneficial to the hydrological regime of the vineyard. The exclusively frontal rainfall is present between the months of May and August, with a peak during June. The potential annual evapotranspiration reaches 1.290 mm, creating an annual average hydric deficit of 911 mm. This 7-month dry period of hydric deficiency, spanning between the months of October and April, creates the need to supply water through the irrigation system to the plants.
Head Office:
Av. Fco. Antonio Encina 231, Villa Alegre de Loncomilla - VII Región - Chile
Tel: (56 73) 560 500 - Fax: (56 73) 381 681
Commercial Office:
Av. El Bosque Norte 0177 oficina 901, Las Condes - Santiago
Tel: (56 2) 220 8900 - Fax: (56 2) 220 2975
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Vineyard Details
Vineyard Name : Carta Vieja
Vineyard Country : Chile
Vineyard Region : Central Valley
Vineyard Sub Region : Maule Valley
Vineyard Town : Javier
Vineyard Owner Name :
Vineyard Submitted By
Carta Vieja
Francisco Antonio Encina 231
Central Valley
Maule Valley
Tel : +56 2 2208900
E-mail :
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