Vineyard - Salta - Cafayate. Salta - Argentina
High altitude is a way to compensate low latitude. Salta, if looked at more closely, is actually a tropical province crossed by the Tropic of Capricorn. It is well-known that wines are typically not produced in the tropics, due to the constantly high temperatures found in such regions. However, as we go up in elevation, temperature decreases by 1º C every 180 meters. And as valleys are generally located at 2,000 meters height, it is easy to see that the low latitude is compensated by a higher altitude. But that's not all.
Bodegas Etchart Vineyard by Pernod Ricard Argentina - Vineyard Country: Argentina - Vineyard Region: Salta Bodegas Etchart Vineyard by Pernod Ricard Argentina - Vineyard Country: Argentina - Vineyard Region: Salta Bodegas Etchart Vineyard by Pernod Ricard Argentina - Vineyard Country: Argentina - Vineyard Region: Salta Bodegas Etchart Vineyard by Pernod Ricard Argentina - Vineyard Country: Argentina - Vineyard Region: Salta
Bodegas Etchart - Salta - Cafayate. Salta
Argentina Â» Salta Â» Cafayate. Salta Â» Bodegas Etchart
Vineyard Language : English
High altitude is a way to compensate low latitude. Salta, if looked at more closely, is actually a tropical province crossed by the Tropic of Capricorn. It is well-known that wines are typically not produced in the tropics, due to the constantly high temperatures found in such regions. However, as we go up in elevation, temperature decreases by 1º C every 180 meters. And as valleys are generally located at 2,000 meters height, it is easy to see that the low latitude is compensated by a higher altitude. But that's not all.

As we go up higher, the Sun’s rays cross thinner atmospheric layers, thus making them more intense. Sun glare is visual proof of this phenomenon, with the addition of the atmospheric dryness generated by the Calchaqui mountain – creating a barrier against humid winds from coming from the Atlantic – gives an arid, desert like region.

Thus, these conditions contribute to creating a unique terroir in the province
of Salta.

On the one hand, the altitude results in extraordinary temperature differences of more than 30º after mid-dayand 10º or less at night; ideal conditions for the tannin ageing in wines. The annual average temperature in Cafayate is equivalent to that of Luján de Cuyo (15ºC).

On the other hand, solar radiation generates greater coloring brightness, which added to atmospheric dryness, subtly dries grapes out, resulting in substance concentration within grapes, rendering the wines concentrated.

Finally, there is a general consensus on the fact that the wines are bolder, either in regards to fragrances or tastes, and that they are mostly featured with hints of ripe fruit and marmalade, as well as certain spiced scents. Alcohol contents tend to be high (14 degrees), provided that the appropriate grape maturity is allowed, while in regards to the body of the wines, they are thick and meaty, causing an explosion in mouth.

The vineyards in that area enjoy sunlight throughout the whole year.
Located at more than 1,700 mts above sea level, Cafayate has loamy sand soils, made up by thick sand grains with fine gravel, including thin sand grains in the surface and similar ones in the underground layers, even thinner sand grains in deep, and pebbles.
The weather is warm, -though not harsh-, with a great variation in the
temperature range.

The annual average temperature is of 18ºC with warm temperature at daylight
(20º C) and cold nights (5ºC) in winter, which is favorable for the fragrance metabolism and the development of varietals.
In the Spring-Summer season, average temperatures vary from 20º to 25º C; and in Autumn-Winter, they vary between 10º and 15ºC.

The annual average rainfall in the region is 200 mm, of which 80% falls between the months of November and March, the period with the highest temperatures, thus improving the rainfall’s effect on soil and plants.
However, if we also consider the soil drainage and the evapotranspiration, it is not enough, so water from the Colorado and Alisay Rivers is also used for vineyard and plant irrigation, as well as water from underground ditches (some reaching
300 meters).

This microclimate yields high agricultural benefits, since it is free from frost period from October to May.
Early frosts fall between the months of May and June, and late frost happens in September and October.
Low temperatures under zero (sometimes around -10º to -12ºC) only occur for 5 or 6 hours, such is what clearly defines the biological framework for adaptive cultivation.

Radiation and transparency of low and medium atmosphere layers are an important factor for the effects caused by the photochemical processes of physiology
and plant health.
The combination of these climate features are notoriously translated directly into the wines of the valley, notably because of their intense color and fragrance concentration.

Bodegas Etchart

Bella Vista Administration
Jujuy 1197 Bella Vista,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Teléfono: (++54) 11 4469 8000
Fax: (++54) 11 4469 8023
Vineyard Details

Vineyard Name : Bodegas Etchart
Vineyard Country : Argentina
Vineyard Region : Salta
Vineyard Town : Cafayate. Salta
Vineyard Owner Name : Pernod Ricard Argentina
Vineyard Submitted By

Bodegas Etchart
Pernod Ricard Argentina
Ruta 40, Km. 1047 4427
Cafayate. Salta
Tel : (++54) 11 4469 8000
E-mail :

Bodegas Etchart Vineyard by Pernod Ricard Argentina - Vineyard Country: Argentina - Vineyard Region: Salta

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