Yalumba Vineyard in Angaston, Australia Plantagenet Wines Vineyard in Mount Barker, Australia Shelmerdine Vineyard in Victoria, Australia Kingston Estate Wines PTY LTD Vineyard in Kingston on Murray, Australia
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Kingston Estate Wines PTY LTD
Our winery is at Kingston-on-Murray, around 220km from Adelaide in South Australia. We pride ourselves on being one of the largest family-owned wineries in Aust...

Vineyard in South Australia - Kingston on Murray - Australia - Tel: +61 8 85830500

Plantagenet Wines

Vineyard in Western Australia - Mount Barker - Australia - Tel: + 61 898513111

lisac@plantagenetwines.com http://www.plantagenetwines.com
Shelmerdine is proud to announce the official release of its 2007 Heathcote red wines including: 2007 Heathcote Shiraz (94/100 Halliday 2010 Wine Companion) ...

Vineyard in Victoria - Victoria - Australia - Tel: +61 3 54335188

info@shelmerdine.com.au http://www.shelmerdine.com.au
Shelmerdine Vineyards For three generations the Shelmerdine family has been among Victoria’s most prominent grape growers. Our vision is to embrace the honest...

Vineyard in Victoria - Victoria - Victoria - Australia - Tel: +61 3 8415 1375


Vineyard in South Australia - Angaston - Australia - Tel: +61 88561 3200

info@yalumba.com http://www.yalumba.com
Amulet Vineyard
Tel: +61 3 57270420
Address: P.O. Box 518_3747
Region: Victoria - Town: Beechworth
Vineyard in Australia
Brown Brothers Milawa Vineyard PTY LTD
Address: Meadow Creek Road_3678
Region: Victoria - Town: Victoria
Vineyard in Australia
C. A. Henschke & Co.
Tel: +61 88564 8223
Address: PO Box 100_5353
Region: South Australia - Town: Keyneton
Vineyard in Australia
Cape Clairault Wines
Address: Henry Road_ 6280
Region: Western Australia - Town: Willyabrup
Vineyard in Australia
Casella Wines
Tel: +61 2 69613000
Address: Wakley Road - PO Box 281_2681
Region: New South Wales - Town: Yenda
Vineyard in Australia
Cumulus Wines
Tel: +61 2 63907900
Address: Davys Plains Road, PO Box 41_2864
Region: New South Wales - Town: Cudal Orange
Vineyard in Australia
Tel: +61 8 83294888
Address: Osborn Road_5171
Region: South Australia - Town: McLaren Vale
Vineyard in Australia
Fox Creek
Tel: +61 8 85562403
Address: Malpas Road_5171
Region: South Australia - Town: McLaren Vale
Vineyard in Australia
Giaconda Vineyard
Tel: +61 3 57270246
Address: 30 McClay Rd_3678
Region: Victoria - Town: Everton
Vineyard in Australia
Glaetzer Wines PTY LTD
Tel: +61 8 85630288
Address: 34 Barossa Valley Way_5352
Region: South Australia - Town: Tanunda
Vineyard in Australia
Grant Burge
Tel: +61 885 633700
Address: Jacobs Creek Barossa Valley_5352
Region: South Australia - Town: Tanunda
Vineyard in Australia
Hamilton´s Ewell Vineyard
Tel: +61 885624600
Address: Barossa Valley Way_5355
Region: South Australia - Town: Nuriootpa
Vineyard in Australia
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Bodega Enrique Foster
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Our construction began by digging out a huge crater of more than 6000 cubic meters to create cellars which will accommodate up to 2000 barrels. The cellars were...
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