Château Bouscaut Vineyard in 33140 Cadaujac, France Champagne Boizel  Vineyard in Epernay, France Château Brillette  Vineyard in Moulis-en-Médoc, France DOMAINE CHOUET FRERES Vineyard in MEURSAULT, France
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Champagne Drappier
Address: Rue des Vignes
Region: Champagne - Town: Urville
Vineyard in France
Champagne Favier Hubert
Tel: 03 25 27 43 93
Address: Grande Rue
Region: Champagne - Town: Urville
Vineyard in France
Champagne Olivier Devitry
Tel: 03 25 27 11 04
Address: Rue de Bouillon
Region: Champagne - Town: Urville
Vineyard in France
Tel: +33 325 274015
Address: Rue des Vignes
Region: Champagne - Town: Urville
Vineyard in France

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Restaurant in Bologna, Italy

Ristorante Pappagallo
Restaurant in Bologna, Italy
Il ristorante Pappagallo, nato nel 1919, si trova nel centro di Bologna a fianco delle 2 Torri Asinelli e Garisenda, in un famoso palazzo storico del 1300.
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Famous French Champagne    

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Vineyard in France

Domaine Philippe Vandelle
Vineyard in France
Le vignoble du Jura remonte à la la plus haute antiquité. Au XIXème siècle, avant la crise du phylloxera, il comptait plus de 40 cépages sur 20.000 hectares. Au...
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Event Date: 14.03.12
International Fast Food Fair Moscow is an exhibition for the fast food industry. The show presents all the trends in the fast food industry, as well as food pr...
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