Schloßgut Hohenbeilstein Vineyard in Beilstein, Germany Hofgut Sonnenschein Vineyard in 79592 Fischingen, Germany Dominikaner-Weingut Vineyard in 54317 Kasel im Ruwertal, Germany Ökologische Weine Lieschied - Rollauer Vineyard in Bacharach-Steeg, Germany
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Deutsches Weintor eG
Tel: +49 6341 38150
Address: An der Ahlmühle 1
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Südliche Weinstraße - Town: Ilbesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Gasthof Hotel Weingut Goldene Krone
Tel: +49 9323 87240
Address: Marktplatz 2
Region: Franconia/Franken - Sub Region: Steigerwald - Town: Iphofen
Vineyard in Germany
Huster Ökologischer Weinbau
Tel: +49 6130 944114
Address: Rosenstraße 13
Region: Rheinhessen - Sub Region: Bingen - Town: Ingelheim
Vineyard in Germany
Ilmbacher Hof - Weingut Gerhard Fröhlich
Tel: +49 9323 3657
Address: Lange Gasse 36
Region: Franconia/Franken - Sub Region: Steigerwald - Town: Iphofen
Vineyard in Germany
Ilse Häge
Tel: +49 7043 8915
Address: Illingerstr. 13
Region: Württemberg - Town: Illingen-Schützingen
Vineyard in Germany
Ingelheimer Winzerkeller GbR
Tel: +49 6132 790360
Address: Binger Straße 16
Region: Rheinhessen - Sub Region: Bingen - Town: Ingelheim
Vineyard in Germany
Kaiserstühler Winzergenossenschaft Ihringen eG
Tel: +49 7668 90360
Address: Winzerstraße 6
Region: Baden - Sub Region: Kaiserstuhl - Town: Ihringen
Vineyard in Germany
Kochertalkellerei eG
Tel: +49 7940 92260
Address: Mühlstrasse 13
Region: Württemberg - Town: Ingelfingen
Vineyard in Germany
Rebenhof Leiner
Tel: +49 6341 32802
Address: Oberdorfstr.42
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Südliche Weinstraße - Town: Ilbesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Schmitt Reinhard und Ester
Tel: +49 6341 33442
Address: Arzheimer Straße 24
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Südliche Weinstraße - Town: Ilbesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Wein- und Sektgut Gerhard Karle
Tel: +49 7668 5252
Address: Scherkhofenstraße 69
Region: Baden - Sub Region: Kaiserstuhl - Town: Ihringen
Vineyard in Germany
Weinbau Johannes Barth
Tel: +49 9323 3862
Address: Obere Gräbengasse 9
Region: Franconia/Franken - Sub Region: Steigerwald - Town: Iphofen
Vineyard in Germany
Weinbau Norbert Muth
Tel: +49 9323 902
Address: Ludwigstraße 20
Region: Franconia/Franken - Sub Region: Steigerwald - Town: Iphofen
Vineyard in Germany
Weinbau Wilhelm Lutz
Tel: +49 9323 3560
Address: Mittelgasse 7
Region: Franconia/Franken - Sub Region: Steigerwald - Town: Iphofen
Vineyard in Germany
Weingut - Ratshof Helmut Schmitt
Tel: +49 6341 939286
Address: Leinsweiler Straße 6
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Südliche Weinstraße - Town: Ilbesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Weingut - Weinkellerei Karl Karle
Tel: +49 7668 5050
Address: Am Krebsbach 3
Region: Baden - Sub Region: Kaiserstuhl - Town: Ihringen
Vineyard in Germany
Weingut Ackermann
Tel: +49 6341 30664
Address: Oberdorfstraße 40
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Südliche Weinstraße - Town: Ilbesheim
Vineyard in Germany
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Palace Luzern
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Before you actually decide on your preferred pleasures for the palate, just look at the remarkable range of dining-and-wining venues at the PALACE LUZERN.
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Snyder Winery
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Perched on a hill with breath taking views of the Magic Valley in every direction. How great is the view? We can see 10 firework displays from various towns fro...
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