Hofgut Sonnenschein Vineyard in 79592 Fischingen, Germany Ökologische Weine Lieschied - Rollauer Vineyard in Bacharach-Steeg, Germany Dominikaner-Weingut Vineyard in 54317 Kasel im Ruwertal, Germany Schloßgut Hohenbeilstein Vineyard in Beilstein, Germany
Vineyards in Germany

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Bernhard Weich
Tel: +49 6502 2648
Address: Bahnhofstraße 17
Region: Mosel - Sub Region: Bernkastel - Town: Riol
Vineyard in Germany
Bischöfliches Weingut
Tel: +49 6722 910560
Address: Marienthaler Straße 3
Region: Rheingau - Town: Rüdesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Erich Nalbach
Tel: +49 65422456
Address: Kringstraße 20
Region: Mosel - Sub Region: Bernkastel - Town: Reil
Vineyard in Germany
Gebietswinzergenossenschaft Rietburg eG
Tel: +49 6323 94990
Address: Edesheimer Straße 50
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Südliche Weinstraße - Town: Rhodt
Vineyard in Germany
Georg Breuer
Tel: +49 6722 1027
Address: Grabenstraße 8
Region: Rheingau - Town: Rüdesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Hess. Staatsweingüter GmbH Domaine Assmannshausen
Tel: +49 6722 2273
Address: Höllenbergstraße 10
Region: Rheingau - Town: Rüdesheim-Assmannshausen
Vineyard in Germany
Jean Stodden - Das Rotweingut
Tel: +49 2643 3001
Address: Rotweinstraße 7-9
Region: Ahr - Town: Rech
Vineyard in Germany
Karl Johannes Wagner · Weingut Hof St. Johannes
Tel: +49 6123 72113
Address: Hauptstraße 33
Region: Rheingau - Town: Rauenthal
Vineyard in Germany
Klosterweingut Abtei St. Hildegard
Tel: +49 6722 499130
Address: Klosterweg 1
Region: Rheingau - Town: Rüdesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Naumburger Weinbaugesellschaft 1835 e.V.
Tel: +49 3445 261663
Address: Am Leihdenberg 11
Region: Saale-Unstrut - Town: Roßbach
Vineyard in Germany
Rüdesheimer Sektkellerei Ohlig GmbH & Co.KG
Tel: +49 6722 30010
Address: Kaiserstraße 4a
Region: Rheingau - Town: Rüdesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Ruppertsberger Winzerverein "Hoheburg" eG
Tel: +49 6326 962970
Address: Hauptstraße 74
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Mittelhaardt/Deutsche Weinstraße - Town: Ruppertsberg
Vineyard in Germany
Sektkellerei Andres und Mugler
Tel: +49 6326 8667
Address: Hauptstrasse 33 A
Region: Pfalz - Sub Region: Mittelhaardt/Deutsche Weinstraße - Town: Ruppertsberg
Vineyard in Germany
Sektkellerei Solter
Tel: +49 6722 2566
Address: Zum Niederwald-Denkmal 2
Region: Rheingau - Town: Rüdesheim
Vineyard in Germany
Wein & Sektgut Burg-Schneider
Tel: +49 6542 2340
Address: Kaiserstraße 13
Region: Mosel - Sub Region: Bernkastel - Town: Reil
Vineyard in Germany
Weinbau Elmar Grau
Tel: +49 9704 7760
Address: Hauptstraße 43
Region: Franconia/Franken - Sub Region: Maindreieck - Town: Ramsthal
Vineyard in Germany
Weinbau Erwin Vollhals
Tel: +49 9323 3738
Address: Crailsheimer Straße 3
Region: Franconia/Franken - Sub Region: Steigerwald - Town: Rödelsee
Vineyard in Germany
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Restaurant in Hamburg, Germany

Brook Restaurant
Restaurant in Hamburg, Germany
Besonders abends haben unsere Gäste einen beeindruckenden Blick auf die alte Hafen- und Lagerhauskulisse der Speicherstadt. Hunderte von Lampen tauchen die Fass...
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Aresti Vineyard
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Aresti Wine of Chile is a family-owned winery that was founded in 1951, when Vicente Aresti and his father-in-law Alfredo López decided to establish a winery in...
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For over 2000 years ago shaped the landscape of the wine and the people on the Mosel. Each era has left its mark, the Roman Empire, the mighty monasteries, the ...
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