Lievland Vineyard in Klapmuts, South Africa Schloßgut Hohenbeilstein Vineyard in Beilstein, Germany Hofgut Sonnenschein Vineyard in 79592 Fischingen, Germany Ökologische Weine Lieschied - Rollauer Vineyard in Bacharach-Steeg, Germany

Red Blended Wines 

Global Wine Search
AltaCima 6.330 Premium Reserve
Aroma : Very expressive and powerful, red and black fruits accompanied by spices, vanilla and mocha.

Wine - Red Blended Wines - MERLOT - CHADONNAY - SYRAH - CARMENERE - Central Valley - Chile
Fringant et vif, ce vin marie les trois cépages rouges du Jura, faisant la part belle au délicat poulsard. Une touche de pinot et de trousseau apportent de la s...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Poulsard - Jura - France
The Castellero vineyard comprises 6 hectares facing south-west situated in the commune of Barolo. The Michet sub-variety of the NEBBIOLO grape ......

Wine - Red Blended Wines - NEBBIOLO - BARBERA - CHARDONNAY - Piedmont (Piemonte) - Italy
Ch. La Chambre
Exposé à l’Est sur les monts de la Madeleine à la pointe septentrionale du massif central et dominant la plaine de la Loire, l’appellation de la Côte Roannaise ...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Pinot Noir - Loire - France
Château Bouscaut
Château Bouscaut A Bouscaut nous nous attachons à produire des vins fidèles à leur terroir dans la plus pure tradition des Grands Crus de Bordeaux.

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Merlot - Bordeaux - France
Château Brillette
L’appellation Moulis est située au cœur du Médoc, sur ces terres de la rive gauche de l’estuaire de la Gironde dans lesquelles se récoltent les plus célèbres vi...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Merlot - Cabernet sauvignon - Bordeaux - France
Comoutos Red dry Wine
The 8 varieties of grapes are selectively native wine-grapes presenting entirely Greek characteristics and tastes, which, we have been trying to preserve intact...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Avgoustiati - Ionian Islands Wines - Greece
Constantia Red 2006
This wine captures the essence of a cool climate and is an excellent example of a new world wine with well integrated fruit and wood. Cherry berry fruit and ...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Merlot - Constantia wines - South Africa
La production du Domaine de Frégate en vins rouges représente environ 60 000 bouteilles, soit prés de 40% de sa production globale. Issu essentiellement du cé...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Mourvèdre - Provence - France
Dornier Donatus Red
Dornier offers three ranges of Wines Our DONATUS Rangecomprises our flagship red and white blends. They combine a distinctive local character with our individ...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Cabernet Sauvignon - Stellenbosch - South Africa
Jolie robe rubis. Arômes de fruits noirs (cassis), toasté, et d'épices. Belle rondeur en bouche, avec des tanins fins. Finale épicée persistante. prix: 1...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Syrah - Roussillon - France
MR Premium Red 2007
MR Premium 2007 Tasting notes Garnet colour, very intense, rich and complex aroma, with a touch of black cherry, blackberry and blueberry. Well-balanced, stru...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Alicante Bouschet - Alentejo - Portugal
Organics Bio wines

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Nero d'Avola, Chardonnay, Carricante, Albanello - Sicily - Italy
Our award winning wines are always on display, and a visit to our shop is a great opportunity to take a few minutes to relax and taste some of our wines.

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Cabernet and Merlot - Great Lakes (Ohio) wines - United States
VALLEE D'AOSTE DOC DONNAS SUPERIEUR VIEILLES VIGNES E' un vino di classe derivante da uve selezionate di Nebbiolo vendemmiate in fase di avanzata maturazione.

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Nebbiolo - Aosta Valley (Valle D'Aosta) wines - Italy
Vergelegen's winemaking philosophy is simple : there must be harmony between the old and the new VERGELEGEN RED 2004 The wine shows a rich ruby colour with...

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Cabernet Sauvignon - Stellenbosch - South Africa
YALUMBA Museum Reserve 50 Year Old
The core of this wine, thought to have originated in the 1930s, was made from old vine varieties.

Wine - Red Blended Wines - Shiraz - South Australia wines - Australia

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Restaurant in Köln, Germany

Restaurant Sushiou
Restaurant in Köln, Germany
Sie möchten die original japanische Küche hautnah
erleben ohne die weite Reise in das Land der aufgehenden Sonne auf sich zu nehmen? Sie möchten sehen, wie...

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Vineyard in Argentina

Bodega Colomé
Vineyard in Argentina
Con sólo 4 años en manos del Hess Group Switzerland, que también posee viñas en Napa Valley, Sudáfrica y Australia, Colomé ha logrado imponer sus vinos con el s...
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Jolie robe rubis. Arômes de fruits noirs (cassis), toasté, et d'épices. Belle rondeur en bouche, avec des tanins fins. Finale épicée persistante. prix: 1...
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"Das Beste vom Besten" geben. Diesem Anspruch hat sich das Unternehmen HEIN seit seiner Gründung in den 1930er Jahren verschrieben. Eine ausgezeichnete Qualitä...
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