Beyerskloof Vineyard in Stellenbosch, South Africa Lievland Vineyard in Klapmuts, South Africa Dornier Vineyard in Stellenbosch, South Africa Vergelegen Vineyard in Somerset west, South Africa
Vineyards in South Africa

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1988 one of the Cape's most foremost wine makers, Beyers Truter of Kanonkop Estate, formed a partnership with four ardent wine lovers in Johannesburg with one ...

Vineyard in Stellenbosch - Koelenhof - Stellenbosch - South Africa - Tel: +27-21-865 2135
Dornier Wines is located on two estates, both with long traditions. The history of Keerweder goes back to 1694, when it was acquired by Jac van Dyk. The Homeste...

Vineyard in Stellenbosch - Stellenbosch - Stellenbosch - South Africa - Tel: +27 21 880 0557
Lievland boasts one of the few underground maturation and storage cellars in the Cape. The cellar, with a surface area of 744m2. It was excavated and shaped in ...

Vineyard in Stellenbosch - Stellenbosch - Klapmuts - South Africa - Tel: +27 (021) 875 5226
Vergelegen strives to produce the best possible wines by judicious decision-making to maximise the synergy between vineyard and winery.

Vineyard in Stellenbosch - Stellenbosch - Somerset west - South Africa - Tel: +27 21 847 1334
Bon Courage Estate
Located in the heart of the beautiful Robertson valley – a valley of wines and roses – lies Bon Courage Estate, home to some of South Africa’s finest wines and ...

Vineyard in Robertson - Robertson - South Africa - Tel: +27 23 626-4178
Constantia Uitsig
"We went home, opened a bottle of Constantia Uitsig Wine and were flooded with memories of languid days in glorious sunshine. It was exquisite." - Ben and Emm...

Vineyard in Constantia - Constantia - Cape Town - South Africa - Tel: + 27 (0) 21 794 1810
Tel: +27 21 881 3714
Address: PO.Box 60,Lynedoch,Western Cape, S.A, 7603
Region: Stellenbosch - Sub Region: Stellenbosch - Town: Lynedoch
Vineyard in South Africa
Boland Wines
Tel: +27 21 862 6190
Address: PO Box 7007, Noorder-Paarl, 7623,South Africa
Region: Paarl - Sub Region: Northern Paarl - Town: Paarl
Vineyard in South Africa
Bon Cap
Tel: +27 23 626-1628
Address: Roberston, South Africa
Region: Robertson - Sub Region: Robertson - Town: Robertson
Vineyard in South Africa
Bon Courage Estate
Tel: +27 23 626-4178
Address: P.O. Box 589 Robertson, 6705 South Africa
Region: Robertson - Sub Region: Robertson - Town: Robertson
Vineyard in South Africa
Bonnievale Wine Cellar
Tel: +27 (0) 23 616 2795
Address: Bonnievale Wine Cellar, P.O. Box 206, Bonnievale 6730
Region: Robertson - Sub Region: Robertson - Town: Bonnievale
Vineyard in South Africa
Tel: (023) 626-4044
Address: Roberston, South Africa
Region: Robertson - Sub Region: Robertson - Town: Robertson
Vineyard in South Africa
Tel: +27 (0)21 794 5190
Address: Buitenverwachting, Klein Constantia Road, Constantia, Cape Town, South Africa
Region: Constantia - Sub Region: Constantia Valley - Town: False Bay
Vineyard in South Africa
Clairvaux Private cellar
Tel: +27 23 626 3842
Address: PO.Box 179,Robertson 6570, South Africa
Region: Robertson - Sub Region: Robertson - Town: Robertson
Vineyard in South Africa
Cloverfield Private Cellar
Tel: +27(0) 23 626 4118
Address: P.O. Box 429, Robertson, 6705
Region: Robertson - Sub Region: Robertson - Town: Robertson
Vineyard in South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 21 795 6100
Address: Glen Alpine Constantia Main Road Constantia 7806 Cape Town South Africa
Region: Constantia - Sub Region: Constantia Valley - Town: Cape Town
Vineyard in South Africa
Tel: +27 (0) 21 794 6500
Address: Spaanschemat River Road, Constantia, Cape Town
Region: Constantia - Sub Region: Constantia Valley - Town: Cape Town
Vineyard in South Africa
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Il Giardino Pamphili
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If you are watching your figure we have got special dishes such as our “linguine” with red peppers, aubergine, courgette and little pieces of parmesan
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Die Barriques und neue Holzfässer werden in unserer Küferei selbst hergestellt.
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Lievland Shiraz 2004
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South Africans Susan and John Colley bought the farm in 2003. Keeping true to the history of Lievland the Colleys' have devoted much of their energy to the vine...
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Miswa and Patola Ginisa -Miswa and patola sauteed to come up with a nutritious vegetable side dish
Miswa and Patola Ginisa -Miswa and patola sauteed to come up with a nutritious vegetable side dish
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