Shelmerdine Vineyard in Victoria, Australia Real Companhia Vinicolo do Norte de Portugal Vineyard in Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal Béres Szolobirtok és Pincészet Kft Vineyard in Erdőbénye, Hungary Finca Loranque Vineyard in Bargas (Toledo), Spain

Spirits / Liqueurs  in Portugal

Global Wine Search
Aguardente Velhíssima - 1966
Strong yet elegant, luminous and showing deep topaz colour, this old brandy was made from the exceptional 1965 vintage. To taste it is to acknowledge the richn...

Wine - Spirits / Liqueurs - Aguardente - Beiras - Portugal
Aged Tawnies The Best that age can offer... Aged 10 and 20 Years If a fine Port is left to age for many years in oak casks it will gradually lose its orig...

Wine - Spirits / Liqueurs - Tinta Francisca - Douro - Portugal

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Restaurant in Luzern, Switzerland

Restaurant Alexander
Restaurant in Luzern, Switzerland
Restaurant Alexander
Die wahre Bedeutung des Genusses
In Luzern ist das Restaurant Alexander im Hotel Seeburg ein Geheimtipp und eine der ersten Adress...

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Famous French Champagne    

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Vineyard in France

Château Clos Saint-Emilion Philippe
Vineyard in France
Depuis 4 générations, le Château Clos Saint-Emilion Philippe, est une exploitation familiale. Achetée.....
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Hessische Bergstrasse
Wines from Germany
Die Erzeugung des Traubengutes und der Ausbau der Weine erfolgen nach dem Motto „Klasse statt Masse“. Dies geschieht stets im Einklang mit Natur und Umwelt, im ...
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Salon des Grands Cépages Blancs
Event Date: 07.04.13
Salon grand public, dédié aux cépages blancs Riesling, Pinot gris, Gewurztraminer et Sylvaner. Retrouvez 120 viticulteurs et caves coopératives, accompagnés de...
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fresh garlic
Variety: 1) Pure white garlic (snow white garlic) 2) Normal white garlic (red garlic, purple garlic)
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Verrines de quinoa aux germes de betteraves
Verrines de quinoa aux germes de betteraves
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