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Recioto Classico della Valpolicella "CampoGerico"
Strong, mature grapes are carefully selected and laid in wooden crates suitable for the “appassimento” process: they rest in the open-sided building (fruttaio) ...

Wine - Dessert Wines - Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Croatina - Valpolicella - Italy
Regent Rheinhessen Wein
Geschichte Die Sorte Regent gehört zu den wenigen erfolgreichen Züchtungen, denen eine rosige, ja glänzende Zukunft vorhergesagt wird. Dem Institut für Rebenzü...

Wine - Red Wines - Regent - Rheinhessen - Germany
Rosato Veronese IGT "el Marascar"
This wine originates from the use of the typical grapes of the classic Valpolicella hillsides. The “must” is racked after 6 hours of maceration of the grape ski...

Wine - Rosé Wines - Corvina, Rondinella - Valpolicella - Italy
Rosso Verona IGT "el Nane"
Rosso Verona IGT “El Nane” is crafted with a wine-making process that repeat the experiance of our grandfather Giovanni, “El Nane”, who dedicated his life to ...

Wine - Red Wines - Corvina, Corvinone, Rondinella, Croatina - Valpolicella - Italy
Aged Tawnies The Best that age can offer... Aged 10 and 20 Years If a fine Port is left to age for many years in oak casks it will gradually lose its orig...

Wine - Spirits / Liqueurs - Tinta Francisca - Douro - Portugal

Selected Restaurant

Restaurant in Saint Tropez, France

Villa Romana
Restaurant in Saint Tropez, France
Jean Luc Fournier a su créer un restaurant au concept unique, alliant le baroque florentin aux glycines se mélangeant aux centaines de lucioles en fibre optique...
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Famous French Champagne    

Selected Vineyard

Vineyard in Germany

Weinbau Ralf Wagner
Vineyard in Germany
Heute bietet Ihnen unser Weinbaubetrieb, gewachsen auf fast 4 Hektar, eine typisch rheinhessische Sorten- & Geschmacksvielfalt an. Traditionelle Reben wie Silva...
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Wines from Portugal

Wines from Portugal
Aged Tawnies The Best that age can offer... Aged 10 and 20 Years If a fine Port is left to age for many years in oak casks it will gradually lose its orig...
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Petiscada"End of Summer"
Event Date: 24.09.11
Hora Sábado, 24 de Setembro às 23:30 - 25/9 às 2:30 Local Reina Casa de Campo Caminho do Pardinheiro, Chafé Viana do Castelo (Viana do Castelo, Portugal)
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Fruit, Fruit Products

Fresh and processed Philippine fruits that come from the fertile lands of the fruit basket of the Philippines...Mindanao. We deliver only the freshest and choic...
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Douceur hawaïenne
Douceur hawaïenne
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